MediEvil has 19 Lost Soul Locations & Solutions (19 Lost Souls and 19 Resting Places). After finding a Lost Soul you must lay it to rest by solving the riddle it gives you. They are like side quests.
Lost Souls are Collectibles new to the 2019 PS4 Remake / Remaster of MediEvil. They were not in the original PS1 version!
Finding all Lost Souls unlocks the following trophies:
- Lost and Found – Find all the Lost Souls.
- Soul Savior – Lay all the Lost Souls to rest.
You unlock Lost Souls by opening the blue Chest in Level: The Entrance Hall. Then they spawn in all the levels. All levels will then have an “S” sign which is grey for the ones where the Soul has not been collected and becomes colored for the ones you found. You can collect them in any order.
None of the Lost Souls are missable! You can still get them via level select after the story. Each Lost Soul you find has a unique name, as shown in the inventory. The names are also listed below so they’re easier to reference. The riddles the souls give, hint you the right location. The place where to put the soul to rest is always in a different level than where you find the soul.
Important: After finding a Soul Location / Laying Soul to Rest you must finish the level! Only then the progress gets saved. This means you’re effectively doing 1-2 additional playthroughs (one for locations, a partial one to lay them to rest). If you quit out to the map without finishing the level it won’t save!
Lost Soul #1 (Fisherman Formes)
Location: The Entrance Hall
You must take the right staircase in “The Entrance Hall”. At the bottom you find a chest, open it, collect the orange soul, finish the level. It gives you a riddle and wants you to fish at a lake.
Riddle: Biggest fish I’ve ever seen pulled me into the water. Right by the village lake! You should have seen it! I’m sure those fish are still in there!
Solution: The Sleeping Village
From the start of The Sleeping Village, head to the immediate right site. There’s a lake there, press on the fisher’s bridge and select the item the soul gave you. Defeat all the fishes and turtle enemies, to lay this soul to rest, then finish the level.
Lost Soul #2 (Brute Bruty)
Location: The Graveyard
At the very start of the Graveyard, on the right side (before you collect the first rune) you can find this pink soul. It’s a side area you normally wouldn’t go to during the story.
Riddle: Hey tough guy! I’ve got a proposition for ya. Meet me by the old windmill. Ya know, the one with the broken blade?
Solution: Scarecrow Fields
After defeating the two Mechs in Scarecrow Fields, you reach a gauntlet with many traps at the end end of the level. At the windmill that starts the gauntlet, press and give the item you got from the Soul. You must complete a speeded up version of the gauntlet now and reach the end of the level. The soul automatically shows up after passing the last trap, another one put to rest.
Lost Soul #3 (Ye Olde Olivara)
Location: Cemetery Hill
This yellow colored soul is located in the starting area, on the left side (before going up the hill).
Riddle: An awful little hand stole my wedding ring! It fled to the Graveyard, just past the Skull Gate. Give that thief a slap on the wrist!
Solution: Return to the Graveyard
After going through the skull gate (that required key from Stained Glass Demon), go up the hill where you pick up the yellow rune. In the same place as the rune you’ll get the button hint. Place the yellow soul piece. It spawns some hands that you must crush with the hammer or club.
Lost Soul #4 (Baffy the Baffler)
Location: The Hilltop Mausoleum
At the start of the level, find this blue soul on the right side at the end of the corridor (before dropping down to the basement).
Riddle: Rhinotaurs are in the maze. Cleanse them of their vile ways.
Solution: The Asylum Grounds
In the first area of the Asylum Grounds, there’s a circular on the ground. Stand in it and press to place the blue soul item. This will spawn 5 Rhinotaurs (special enemies) throughout the maze. You’ll run into all of them automatically while finishing the level, they aren’t hidden. Kill them all.
Lost Soul #5 (Surgeon Sherman)
Location: Return to the Graveyard
This purple soul is located at the start of the level on the first small hill.
Riddle: I was having a great day. Then my patients murdered me. Now it’s a very a mediocre day. Let’s give those patients a taste of their own medicine.
Solution: Inside the Asylum
In the 4th area of this level, a circular area, kill all enemies and a golden gate will open. At this door (before going through it) press and redeem the purple soul. It summons a dragon serpent to help you defeat enemies. Let it defeat a bunch of enemies in the next room. After exiting the next room, the soul will be laid to rest automatically.
Lost Soul #6 (Chen the Enchantress)
Location: Scarecrow Fields
You find this blue soul location at the start of the Scarecrow Fields, after kicking the first cart with check on the left side between the houses. This is still before the first mech fight.
Riddle: Some earless hag left an Eye of Dragon Toad on the floor. Now our old coven is swarming with ants! Be a dearie and stomp them flat for me, would you?
Solution: Cemetery Hill
From the start of the level, head to the right side and smash the big boulder. Behind it enter the witch cave. Destroy the book shelf in there to gain access to the witch altar. At the burning witch altar you can open the inventory and place the blue soul. The witch will shrink you down and you must kill a bunch of ants to lay this soul to rest.
Lost Soul #7 (Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Weder)
Location: Pumpkin Gorge
Found in the area with the first building where you must place the red rune and blue rune. There’s a ramp leading up to a window in a side house. Inside there is a green soul location.
Riddle: Everyone talks about the Pumpkin King, but no one mentions the other plants. They’re the root of all evil! Always watching… waiting… stalking.
Solution: The Pumpkin Serpent
After defeating the Pumpkin King boss, you can see one of its rakes growing out the side of a house in the boss fight area. Stand before the rake (just next to the boss) and press to place the green soul. It will spawn 10 small plants around the boss area that you must defeat to lay the soul to rest.
Lost Soul #8 (Treviarnus the Troubadour)
Location: The Pumpkin Serpent
A yellow soul is located at the witch’s cauldron, to the left of the level start.
Riddle: I grow weary of that noisy phantom’s meddling melodies. Make his organ pipe-down before we give him a sound-thrashing!
Solution: The Hilltop Mausoleum
Interact with the phantom playing piano in the room where you find the red rune (story-related). Give it the yellow soul. This spawns 40 sheets of music around the level, be sure to collect them all. Some are hidden under the caskets in the first room of the level (hallway), you must smash those with a club or hammer and drop into the holes below each casket. The rest are rather in plain sight on the main paths.
Lost Soul #9 (Grave Keeper Kambic)
Location: The Sleeping Village
After getting the church key, you’ll go through the lake area and up to mayor’s house. In the garden area behind mayor’s house is a white soul location.
Riddle: Have you seen my grave anywhere? I seem to have misplaced it. Perhaps ask the angel? She could give you some pointers.
Solution: The Graveyard
After opening the red rune gate, you’ll come to an angel statue (the same one where this level’s Chalice was). Press at the angel statue to place the white soul. Then hit the angel statue twice so that it faces up (the opposite direction of its default position, spinning it around by 180°). This will reveal a grave and instantly lay this soul to rest.
Lost Soul #10 (Gavin the Golden)
Location: The Asylum Grounds
This purple soul is found in the garden segment where the elephant bush is, on the right side after entering that area.
Riddle: A giant crystal fried my flesh. Hate it when that happens! There’s some gold left on my body, but that crystal may not hand it over so easily.
Solution: The Crystal Caves
Where you must pick up the green rune in the Crystal Caves, at the big yellow crystal that has lasers circling around it, press to place the purple soul. Then some treasures spawn between the crystal’s lasers. Pick up all the treasures to put the soul to rest.
Lost Soul #11 (Sir Schmidt the Hermit)
Location: Inside the Asylum
Found in the very last room of the Asylum. There’s a green soul found in the cage where you talk to mayor, just before the level exit.
Riddle: My wonderful pumpkin tower has been invaded by Shadow Demons. How did those horrible beasts get free? Who could have done such a thing?
Solution: Pumpkin Gorge
After using the green rune (mandatory step to progress through the level) you’re going up a tower. On top of the tower is a little house. There you can press and place the soul. Some demons spawn, defeat them to put the soul to rest.
Lost Soul #12 (Daring D. Castro)
Location: The Enchanted Earth
The Enchanted Earth Lost Soul is found after the Demonettes boss fight, to the left after getting off the elevator.
Riddle: I heard King Peregrin once captured the Serpent of Gallowmere. I dare you to open his courtyard door and see if it’s still in there. You’re not scared, are you?
Solution: The Haunted Ruins
In the same area where you must place the red rune to open a gate (with some mace knight enemies), you can place this lost soul on the far left side at a dead end. There’s a locked gate and in front of it press to place the soul. It will summon a dragon serpent that you must defeat by attacking its head, which will put the soul to rest.
Lost Soul #13 (Hopper the Legless)
Location: Pools of the Ancient Dead
A purple soul is found on the left side of the swamp area where you must collect the 8 gold helmets.
Riddle: My fellow prisoners used to call me the fastest runner in Gallows Gauntlet. They wouldn’t lie about a thing like that! Fancy a race, Sir Dan?
Solution: The Gallows Gauntlet
Stand at the flames that require the Dragon Armor to pass through. There at the flames you can open the inventory with to place the purple soul. It will start a race against a very slow ghost. Just walk through the blue flare markers. It’s a very short race and the opponent is super slow.
Lost Soul #14 (Son Jr., Son of Sr.)
Location: The Lake
This soul is found near the end of the level. After exiting the underwater tunnel, you’ll have to pick up the yellow rune. In the exact same place where you pick up the yellow rune (which is a mandatory step to complete the level) you find this purple soul.
Riddle: My poor merchant friend. First, locked in a forest cage. Now, trapped behind a wall of vines. He just can’t catch a break!
Solution: The Enchanted Earth
After solving the puzzle with the 4 colored floor-pads in the ceiling and releasing the demons (combination: red-yellow-green-blue), you need to backtrack all the way to the start of the level (after demons are roaming around). Only then you’ll get the button hint and can place the purple soul. It will spawn some vines in front of the merchant gargoyle, destroy those and it will lay the soul to rest.
Lost Soul #15 (Knight McKnight)
Location: The Crystal Caves
You find this green soul in the room after the yellow laser-crystal. A skull-chest is also in this room.
Riddle: May I hitch a ride with you Sir Skeleton? Meet me at the old fort by the ancient pools!
Solution: Pools of the Ancient Dead
On this level’s main path in front of the merchant gargoyle, you can press to place this soul. It will ask you to escort it to the end of the level. Just complete the level normally and it will complete along the way – pick up the red rune on the right of the swamp and use it on the gate on the left of the swamp. At the end of that area the soul is laid to rest. The only difference is that activating the soul spawns additional tentacles which makes the level minimally more difficult, but they can be ignored and don’t need to be killed.
Lost Soul #16 (Nautical Nachbaur)
Location: The Gallows Gauntlet
A green soul is found before the fire that requires the Dragon Armor to walk through.
Riddle: The ruler of rats has his sights set on my darling Elephant Dragons! Repel that repulsive rodent before he sends my precious pachyderms packing!
Solution: The Lake
After you freeze the whirlpool and jump down to the underwater section, immediately where you land in the underwater cave you can press and place this soul. It will spawn a very tiny white rat in the exact place where you placed the soul (where you landed in the underwater tunnel). Attack it with a hammer or club to defeat the small rat. It can be a bit hard to see the rat.
Lost Soul #17 (Barrelman Badillo)
Location: The Haunted Ruins
A red soul is found left after opening the red rune gate (just before the two statues breathe fire onto a bridge / just before entering the king’s throne room).
Riddle: I saw a giant crow up in me crow’s nest. Largest I’ve seen. Wonder if it’s up still there?
Solution: The Ghost Ship
In the place where you find this level’s Chalice. When reaching the end of the ship (just before the boss fight), jump on the rotating platforms and from there into the elevator. The elevator will take you all the way up to the crow’s nest. Drop the soul there with and you’ll see the feet of a giant bird flying by. Just walk to the other end of the crow’s nest to lay the soul to rest.
Lost Soul #18 (Captain Coffman)
Location: The Ghost Ship
After opening the red-rune door, there are some jumping nets. Fall down into the black abyss here on purpose (through the gaps between the jumping nets). You’ll fall into the room with this red soul.
Riddle: I once was a Captain, but my pirates mutinied, due to my lack of convincing pirate accent. My soul remains trapped in time. Perhaps that Wizard’s big clock can set me free?
Solution: The Time Device
At the start of the level, jump onto the big clock (where you must use the silver and golden floor pads to change the time the clock handles show). In the very middle of this clock where the clock handles are you can open the inventory with . This prompt is a big easy to overlook. Place the red soul there and set the time to: gold handle = 4, silver handle = 2 (with the counter starting to the opposite side of where the floor pads are that change the time).
Lost Soul #19 (Sir Sloane)
Location: The Time Device
In the same section where you need to shut off the red laser grid, there’s a yellow soul in the corner.
Riddle: It is I, Sir Sloane, the Dragon Smiter. You know how many dragons I’ve smote? Well, none yet. But we can change that! To the dragon statues of Zarok’s hall!
Solution: The Entrance Hall
In the last room of the Entrance Hall, where the level exit is, you must stand in the middle of that room and place the yellow soul there. This is the final one! It will spawn some toads that you must slay. All done!
That’s all of the Lost Souls in MediEvil 2019 PS4 Remake / Remaster.
For more Collectibles, check out the following MediEvil Guides:
- MediEvil Full Walkthrough (All Levels)
- MediEvil – All Chalice Locations
- MediEvil – All Life Bottle Locations
- MediEvil – All Book of Gallowmere Entries
- MediEvil – All Weapon Locations
- MediEvil PS4 Remake – How to Unlock Original PS1 Game Version
- MediEvil Trophy Guide & Roadmap
xSubjectX420 says
Love your guides. Noticed a lil typo. For Lost Soul #14 the solution doesn’t say The Enchanted Earth like the rest.
PowerPyx says
Good spotting, thanks! Fixed it 🙂
Justin says
Love the guides. You’re my hero! Was a bit confused when I saw the “Pumpkin Serpent” level; and then I realized what you meant after xD
MrZeroX0 says
Hey powerpyx, if i didn’t collect the soul from The Entrance after i opened the chest and finished the level, wil i still be able to go back and collect the soul/all souls? Nothing is missable?
PowerPyx says
Yes you can go back there after story to collect it. Not missable.
TheBuilderGuy says
Hey, Will there be a Green Tick Symbol just like the Chalices, When you have completed their quest/mission layed one to rest?
PowerPyx says
Only for collecting them it shouls you an S-shaped Soul on the level world map. But for laying the soul to rest there are no markings, you see the remaining souls in your inventory though (and they have specific names as outlined here in the guide).
Ezequiel says
What does it mean if I kill a villager my first time playing in the sleeping village and it says “a good soul has been lost”?
If I go on to complete the level, would I lose out on anything?
Arkantos91 says
if you notice you start the level with the chalice having some percentage already. Killing the villagers lowers the value eventually preventing you from acquiring the chalice.
Delaila says
To be clear. You need to finish the level for both collecting AND resting the soul?
Edgar says
I think you need to collect the soul in one stage and lay it to rest in the riddle stage in order for it to be “complete”
Biorogue says
Thank you for the guide! But, for Lost Soul #2, why not have it Sleeping Village as you’re already there collecting Lost Soul #1? That way you don’t have to replay it yet again.
Jess says
Ghost number 9,
If you find the grave marker and destroy it, the game sends flying enemies after you and makes the level a little more challenging. Not a lot more challenging but, just a little.