Item: Mimic’s Veil
Item Type: Tools
Item Description: Golden veil of intricate design. Uses FP to mimis cearby objects. When Godrick was hounded from Leyndell, the Royal Capital, this was one of a multitude of treasures he took with him. Also known as “Marika’s Mischief.”
- Stormveil Castle: Rampart Towers – From Pampart Towers Site of Grace head outside and follow the path past the three birds and down the stairs. Wrap around to the other side of the roof where there is a ladder heading down to the walkway below. At the bottom head into the room ahead on the main path to where you are encountered with a night walking around a table. Defeat the knight and this will be in a chest in the corner of the room.
Max Number Held: 1
Max Number Stored: 600
For all Elden Ring items check out the Elden Ring Wiki and Strategy Guide.
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