Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn has a total of 39 Trophies (1 Platinum, 4 Gold, 9 Silver, 25 Bronze). Below you can find the full Flintlock: Siege of Dawn trophy list / achievement list.
Note: the names of story bosses have been hidden here to avoid spoilers.
Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn Trophies
Hero of the Coalition
Obtain all other trophies
God Killer
Defeat [Story Boss 1].
Truth Hurts
Defeat [Story Boss 2].
A Life Left Behind
Defeat [Story Boss 3].
Free At Last
Defeat [Story Boss 4].
Full Metal
Find all three pieces of a single armor set.
Thicker than Blood
Complete the Cerith family saga.
Kill 20 enemies with a headshot.
Apply three different status effects onto a single enemy at the same time.
Top of the Class
Purchase a skill from the top row of the skill tree.
Rift Finder
Activate 20 skulls.
Sure Beats Walking
Activate 50 skulls.
Cataclysm Averted
Defeat all Revenants.
A Place to Call Home
Free all Hamlets.
Leadership Vacuum
Defeat all Bandit Leaders.
Fully Furnished
Fully upgrade your Campsite.
Impostor Syndrome
Defeat the dark version of you.
Rift Rider
Maintain Rift travel without entering a rift for 60 secs.
Kill 5 enemies within 2 seconds.
Find all Enki feathers.
Axe to a Gun Fight
Deflect ten bullets back at enemies.
A Shot of Espresso
Shoot your gun in a Coffee Shop.
Good Things Come in Threes
Win three games of Sebo in a row against different opponents.
Mistakes Were Made
Die ten times.
Small Mercies
Find all Shrines of Inaya.
Cutting Edge
Fully upgrade a sharp melee weapon.
Blunt Instrument
Fully upgrade a blunt melee weapon.
Full Arsenal
Collect all firearms.
Never Outgunned
Fully upgrade a primary firearm.
Forgemaster’s Favor
Fully upgrade a helmet.
Let Them Cook
Fully upgrade one of your grenades.
Land Surfer
Slide down a hill for 5 seconds.
Red Flag
Shoot down all enemy banners.
A Name for Yourself
With a single claim convert at least 1,000 battle experience into Reputation.
A Battle to Remember
With a single claim convert at least 15,000 battle experience into Reputation.
War Hero
With a single claim convert at least 50,000 battle experience into Reputation.
Ahead Of Its Time
Fully upgrade a secondary firearm.
Kit Inspection
Change your trousers and jacket.
The Home Front
Complete all side quests.
The list looks mostly completion based. We will need to finish all side quests. Required collectibles are: finding all pieces of one full armor set, defeating all Revenants and Bandit Leaders, freeing all Hamlets, finding all Enki Feathers, Shrines of Inaya, Firearms, Enemy Banners, all Campsite Upgrades, activating 50 Skulls.
We might need 100% completion or close to it. A few trophies are story-related for defeating bosses, a few from combat and miscellaneous tasks, the rest comes from upgrading gear.
What are your thoughts on the Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn trophy list? Do you like what you see? Are you going for the Platinum? Check back for a full Trophy Guide & Roadmap when the game releases.
Tom says
I watched the initial reveal trailer when it released but had no idea it was open world. Now I know that it is thanks to the trophy list and a bit of googling, I will definitely give this one a look as I do like to lose myself in larger games.
Seems straightforward enough.
Kuba says
Will I get platinum on story difficulty?
Tom says
Yes absolutely you will
There are no difficulty related trophies
Sometimes a game can slip in a random trophy where you are required to complete whatever task it is on a certain difficulty but that is not indicated here
Blakey says
You cannot earn trophies on Story difficulty. Must be on Normal or Possessed difficulty
Kuba says
I’ll probably play on normal difficulty
zhen bin says
Any details and ideas regarding to the trophy “With a single claim convert at least 50,000 battle experience into Reputation”?
Hope it is not something that required alot of grinding.
CurtTheGamer says
This is combat based. When in combat you gain rep and multiplier you just need to bank the required amount. You do this by holding down left d pad.
Hope this helps
Joshua says
Are you doing beyond good and evil 20th anniversarry guide ?
CurtTheGamer says
Been excited for this game for so long and seeing this trophy list I’m super hyped.
One week left can’t wait
Johnny says
Yea getting this looks original and fun