In Hogwarts Legacy you must use Henrietta’s Map to find the treasure for Side Quest: The Hippogriff Marks The Spot. You get the treasure map as part of that quest. This guide shows Henrietta’s treasure map solution location.
To solve this you need to go to the location indicated on the treasure map and light the correct fires around a hippogriff statue.
- The treasure map solution starts at the “Henrietta’s Hideaway” dungeon in Manor Cape region. Go to the location, zoom in on the map, mark “Henrietta’s Hideaway” to be shown the path to the entrance. The entrance is down the stairs at the south-east cliff, next to a Merlin Trial.
- Inside the dungeon use Incendio on the left statue to reveal a cube > Accio on this cube to place it on the left pedestal > Incendio on left cube > Glacius on right cube. This will open a door behind the cubes. In the next room are some enemies and the Hippogriff Statue from the treasure map.
- Clear out the enemies first. Then use Incendio to light all fires around the Hippogriff Statue. Lastly, use Glacius to extinguish the 4 flames indicated on the treasure map. The 4 specific fires must be lit and 4 must be extinguished.
- When the correct fires are lit a wall opens up straight behind the Hippogriff Statue. There you find the treasure chest, open it to finish Henrietta’s treasure hunt.
Video Solution
For all other treasures and side quests refer to Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough.
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em says
thanks, worked well