Final Glimpses is the 15th main mission in Starfield. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Final Glimpses main quest.
- Starting Location: Star System: Alpha Centauri > Planet: Jemison > Landing Site: The Lodge
- Quest Giver: Vladimir Sall
- Requirement: Complete In Their Footsteps
- Reward: 800 XP, 11800 Credits, Refined Constellation Space Suit
- Quest Description: I should return to the Lodge and tell them what I’ve learned about Unity.
- Return to the Lodge
- Talk to Vladimir
- Obtain a ship with a 21LY grav jump range
- Go to [random location]
- Find the Artifact on [random location]
- Go to Freya III
- Listen to the distress signal
- Complete “Entangled”
Return to the Lodge
With all of your new information, you need to let the other Constellation members know what’s happened. Head back there to speak with them. On the way in you’ll likely be stopped by Noel, who gives you the (optional) main quest Missed Beyond Measure.
Talk to Vladimir
After your conversation with everyone is finished, speak with Vladimir to have the final two Artifact locations marked on your map.
Obtain a ship with a 21LY grav jump range
When you receive these first two objectives, you will be prompted to obtain a ship with a 21LY grav jump range. This is required to reach the second location, Freya III, along with the locations at the end of the story. If you’re still using the Frontier at base level this does not have a jump range big enough to reach where you need to go, so you have a few options. If you had been investing in Science skills (namely Astrodynamics) the Rank 3 30% range increase along with upgrading the grave drive on the Frontier should be enough to squeak by. If you haven’t, you need to obtain a different ship. You can get one that has a long enough range by doing Faction quests and other side content, but if you don’t want to do that you can just buy one from the Ship Technician in New Atlantis.
They typically have a ship called the Rambler. which should cost under 100,000 Credits and should have a high enough base jump distance. It doesn’t have great engines or cargo capacity though, so if you want to switch to this one it would be recommended to stick another engine on the back and attach some cargo modules to it to increase capacity, just watch you don’t drop under 21LY jump range, adding more modules drops this. You can upgrade the grav drive through the upgrade menu to further increase the jump distance.
Go to [random location]
Like before, this first Artifact location will be random and is potentially different every playthrough.
Find the Artifact on [random location]
Head to the first location and obtain the Artifact.
Go to Freya III
The second location is set, and is the planet Freya III in the Freya system. The final jump to Freya is what requires the minimum jump drive distance, so you can’t reach it unless you’ve got the required ship.
Listen to the distress signal
When you enter Freya III orbit, you’ll automatically be prompted to listen to a distress signal from a satellite. Interact with it to listen.
Complete “Entangled”
This immediately starts the main mission “Entangled”. During “Entangled’ you will obtain the final Artifact, which then also completes “Final Glimpses” at the same time.
This finishes Final Glimpses in Starfield.
For all other Quests refer to Starfield Walkthrough.
Next Quest: Missed Beyond Measure
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