Assassin’s Creed Mirage has 66 Historical Site Locations. Finding all Historical Sites is required to get 100% completion in all districts for the Explorer trophy & achievement (fully explore all territories). They look like white glowing orbs and lead to historically important locations.
All you need to do is interact with the glowing orb at the location. Then it shows a popup on the right showing the name of the historical site. Nothing is missable, everything can still be collected after the story.
Collectibles Overview:
Territory Quick Select:
Historical Site #1: Alcohol Production and Consumption
Found on the road.
Historical Site #2: Maritime Trading
On rooftop.
Historical Site #3: Expansion of Islam Through Trade
On the street, next to the viewpoint.
Historical Site #4: Greeks Bearing Gifts
On the street.
Historical Site #5: A Difficult Succession
On street level, at the entrance to Prince’s Palace.
Historical Site #6: The Banu Musa Brothers
Inside the Hidden Ones Bureau, on the upper floor.
Historical Site #7: Ceramics and Lustrewares
On street level, just north of the Metal Factory.
Historical Site #8: Emporium of the World
On street level, at Qutrabbul Gate.
Historical Site #9: Prisons
On street level, south of Damascus Gate Prison.
Historical Site #10: Pillars of Islam
Street level, at the entrance to the Great Mosque.
Historical Site #11: Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca)
On top of the mosque roof.
Historical Site #12: Kalila and Dimna
Inside a locked building. To get inside, you must climb through the open window accessible from the backyard on the south side of the building. This leads to the upper floor. Go downstairs and aim through the metal bars with a Throwing Knife (there are some Throwing Knives on the upper floor).
You must throw it at the red keg, doing so will make it explode which unlocks the door downstairs. Climb back outside and open the now-open door on the south side of the building. This leads to the Historical Site + Lost Book.
Historical Site #13: Abbasid Revolution
On street level, at entrance to Damascus Gate.
Historical Site #14: Papermaking
On street level, in west of The Four Markets.
Historical Site #15: Slavery
On street level, in south of The Four Markets.
Historical Site #16: Muhtasib (Market Inspector)
On top of a gate, on the roof.
Historical Site #17: “Abbasid Style”
On the roof of the Hammam.
Historical Site #18: Hammam
Inside the Hammam, can enter through the south entrance.
Historical Site #19: Arabic as a Cultural Unifier
On street level, next to blacksmith.
Historical Site #20: Translation Movement
On street level, south-west corner of Scriptorium.
Historical Site #21: Astronomy and Astrology
Below Observatory Viewpoint.
Historical Site #22: Astronomical Instruments
On top of the roof of the Observatory, just below the Viewpoint.
Historical Site #23: Majlis (Intellectual Salon)
Inside the House of Wisdom, through a door in the north-east entrance.
Historical Site #24: Scientific Method
Inside the House of Wisdom, through a door in the north-east entrance.
Historical Site #25: Calculating the Earth’s Circumference
Inside the House of Wisdom, in the north of the inner plaza.
Historical Site #26: House of Wisdom
On top of the south-east entrance gate to the House of Wisdom.
Historical Site #27: Healthcare
In the south-west corner of The Great Bimaristan.
Historical Site #28: Dome of the Ass (Donkey)
On top of the Dome of the Ass, on the tip of the Dome roof.
Historical Site #29: Dhimmi (Non-Muslims)
On rooftop of a house.
Historical Site #30: Perfumes
On street level, at a shop in Oil Maker’s District.
Historical Site #31: Abbasid Army
On street level, west of The Great Garrison.
Historical Site #32: Table Manners
On the roof of a house.
Historical Site #33: Textiles
On street level, up some stairs at a carpet shop.
Historical Site #34: Bazaar
At the north-east entrance of the Bazaar, on a rope you must climb up to.
Historical Site #35: Center of the World
On rooftop of the The Bazaar.
Historical Site #36: Taxes
On street level, at the entrance to the Tax Collector’s Mansion.
Historical Site #37: Ghilman (Servant Soldiers)
On a rooftop, west of Officer’s Club.
Historical Site #38: The Abbasids … and their Rivals
In top of a crane on a rooftop.
Historical Site #39: Baghdadi Exports
On top of a boat’s mast on the water.
Round City
Historical Site #40: Judges and Judical System
Inside Mazalim Courts, inside the building.
Historical Site #41: Education System
On a rooftop.
Historical Site #42: Shurta (Police)
On street level, on street west of Shurta Headquarters.
Historical Site #43: Animals at Court
On a rooftop on a small wooden crane.
Historical Site #44: Eunuchs
On street level, at the south entrance to Harem.
Historical Site #45: Caliph’s Mother
On street level, in the north-east corner of Harem (outside).
Historical Site #46: Harem
On the rooftop west of Harem.
Historical Site #47: Gardens and Power
On top of a wooden crane, west of Harem (this crane can be used to jump into the guarded palace area in the center).
Historical Site #48: Powers of a Caliph
On a rooftop.
Historical Site #49: Qiyan (Singing Girls)
Inside a building, top floor. To get inside, you must throw a Throwing Knife through the open window (east side of building) to hit the lock on the barred window (west side of building). It will be highlighted red when scanning with Dpad Left.
Then you can climb through the open window. A Historical Site + Enigma are together in the same room.
Historical Site #50: Marriage and Divorce
On street level.
Historical Site #51: Al-Jahiz
Inside Al-Jahiz’s House. The door / windows are barred. To get inside you must blow up the roof by throwing an explosive vase at it. Start on the rooftop, there is a locked door and an explosive red vase opposite the door (it’s highlighted red when scanning with Dpad Left). Pick up the explosive vase, carry it to the two movable shelves at the north-end of the roof. Place the explosive vase on the ground with /
. Now move the right shelf all the way right, to the grass/small palm tree. Now pick up the explosive vase, climb onto the grass, from there jump to shelf, and to the balcony above shelf.
Then turn left and walk across the rope.
Now throw the explosive at the destructible floor and drop down. Inside the house you will find a Historical Site (upstairs) + Gear Chest (downstairs).
Historical Site #52: Singing and Poetry
On street level, at what looks like a theater stage.
Historical Site #53: Barid (Postal System)
Outside the Postal Bureau.
Historical Site #54: Other Palaces
On street level, west of Winter Palace.
Historical Site #55: Dur-Kurigalzu
South of Dur-Kurigalzu, outside in the desert.
Historical Site #56: Founding of Baghdad
On a desert dune.
Historical Site #57: Baghdad’s Canals
In the canal north of Baghdad.
Historical Site #58: Agriculture
At the Water Mill, by the river.
Historical Site #59: Gates of Baghdad
On a bridge.
Historical Site #60: Zubaydah bint Ja’far
At Tomb of Zubaydah, outside.
Historical Site #61: Caravanserai
At the east entrance of Caravanserai, outside.
Historical Site #62: Camels
South-west of Caravanserai, outside.
Historical Site #63: The One Thousand and One Nights
At the entrance of a big rock formation in the desert.
Historical Site #64: Death and Afterlife
Found just outside the city, south-west of Gate of the Mills.
Historical Site #65: Silk Roads
Found in Jarjaraya, on street level.
Historical Site #66: Seleucia-on-the-Tigris
In the swamps in the south-east edge of the map, in the ruins. The icon will be overlayed by the district completion panel, but in map view you it will show the button to hide the panel at the bottom ( /
), then you can see the icon.
That’s all of the Historical Sites in AC Mirage. For all other collectible types refer to Assassin’s Creed Mirage Collectible Guide.
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