Blueberry Pokedex: #152 Granbull
Type: Fairy
Ability: Intimidate/Run Away/Rattled
Height: 4’07”
Evolution: Snubbull > Granbull (Level 23)
Characteristics: It is actually timid and easily spooked. If attacked, it desperately flails its limbs about in an attempt to repel its opponent.
Granbull Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet – The Indigo Disk DLC (Blueberry Region):
- Evolves from Snubbull at Level 23
- Chargestone Cavern
- Polar Biome
- Torchlit Labyrinth
Granbull Stats:
- HP: 90
- Attack: 120
- Defense: 75
- Special Attack: 60
- Special Defense: 60
- Speed: 45
- Total Combat Points: 450
For where to find all other Pokemon Locations, check out Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: The Indigo Disk – All Pokemon Locations.
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