Blueberry Pokedex: #048 Trumbeak
Type: Normal/Flying
Ability: Keen Eye/Skill Link/Pickup
Height: 2’00”
Evolution: Pikipek > Trumbeak (Level 14) > Toucannon (Level 28)
Characteristics: It flies around using a hundred different cries in various ways to declare its territory to others.
Trumbeak Location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet – The Indigo Disk DLC (Blueberry Region):
- Evolves from Pikipek at level 14.
- Coastal Biome
- Torchlit Labyrinth
Trumbeak Stats:
- HP: 55
- Attack: 85
- Defense: 50
- Special Attack: 40
- Special Defense: 50
- Speed: 75
- Total Combat Points: 355
For where to find all other Pokemon Locations, check out Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: The Indigo Disk – All Pokemon Locations.
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