Da’at – Minato contains 95 Collectible Locations in SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI V: Vengeance. This walkthrough will guide you to all the collectibles in Da’at – Minato Region in chronological order. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included. Everything must be collected before the final boss, which is the point of no return and afterward it puts you into New Game+. Be sure to keep a manual save before the final boss, this can be reloaded to still free-roam and pick up all collectibles from there.
- Mimans: 50
- Talismans: 13
- Periapts: 5
- Demon Statues: 4
- Abscesses: 6
- Amalgams: 14
- Aogami Husks: 3
Collectibles Overview:
There is Cironnup around the end of each area that will put the location of every Miman on your map but he will charge 2,500 Macca for it.
This one is located out the front of The Tokyo Diet Building:
Almost all of the Talismans and Periapts in this area are quest rewards, please refer to the Subquests Guide if you need help with the respective subquests. The ones from quest rewards are listed below:
Haunt Talisman – Complete Subquest A Preta Predicament
Wargod Talisman – Complete Subquest No Stone Unturned
Foul Talisman – Talk to the Slime in Da’at: Minato, Hamamatsucho
Element Talisman – Collect 10 Miman
Unwrit Order Periapt – Complete Subquest Brawny Ambitions
Yoma Talisman – Complete Subquest Pollution Panic
Treacherous Chaos Periapt – Complete Subquest Knocking on Death’s Door
Femme Talisman – Complete Subquest The Demon of the Spring
Pixie Periapt – Talk to Pixie in Da’at: Minato, West Shinbashi
Fallen Talisman – Complete Subquest To Cure a Curse
Virtuous Neutral Periapt – Complete Subquest Beastly Battle of Wits
Raptor Talisman – Complete Subquest Movin’ on Up
Avian Talisman – Collect 30 Miman
Brute Talisman – Complete Subquest Talisman Hunt
Servants of Heaven Periapt – Story Related, The Angels’ Request Main Quest
Unwrit Chaos Periapt – Complete Subquest Home Sweet Home
Jaki Talisman – Talk to Rakshasa in Da’at: Minato, Nagatacho
Drake Talisman – Complete Subquest The Ultimate Omelette
Avatar Talisman – Collect 45 Miman
Treacherous Order Periapt – Complete Subquest In Pursuit of Knowledge
Miman – 1
In front of the very first leyline fount, it is very hard to miss.
Miman – 2
On the stairs of a bridge to the northeast of the last Miman.
Miman – 3
In a building northwest of the road split after Aogmai tells you about the Sky View.
Miman – 4
Outside the building from the last Miman behind a rock.
Miman – 5
On the second-floor building ledge across from the last Miman.
Aogami Husk – 1
Directly after entering Mita, you will get a cutscene explaining them, Very hard to miss.
Miman – 6
Down the right path opposite the leyline fount, you will find it at the very end behind the rubble.
Miman – 7
On a ledge above the leyline fount, you can get there by crossing the bridge above.
Abscess – 1
Unmissable Story Progression.
Miracles Unlocked:
Art of Essences I
Divine Garrison I
Demon Proficiency I
Recover Mastery I
Support Mastery I
Miman – 8
On a small hill directly above where the Abscess was.
Amalgam – 1
By taking the Magtsu Rail to the above area keep going left and it on top of a destroyed building.
Miman – 9
To the right of the train in a southeast alcove against a rock.
Miman – 10
On the opposite side of the train under the overpass.
Amalgam – 2
On top of the overpass above the last Miman.
Miman – 11
Directly west of the Shiba leyline fount in an alcove.
Miman -12
Northwest from the leyline fount to the left of Ouyamatsumi.
Skip to Hamamatsucho and keep following till the end of Tokyo Tower
Miman – 13
On the south side of the bridge in the corner.
Miman – 14
In the corner of the first building to the east of the last Miman.
Miman – 15
In the 3rd east building to the left of the last Miman on a ledge.
Demon Statue Anzu – 1
At the very end of this path, there will be 2 platforms you can climb to reach the Satue at the top.
Take the Magtsu Rail back to Tokyo Tower and continue from Kamiyacho
Amalgam – 3
In the corner of the building on the left side, with 2 platforms leading to it.
Miman – 16
Drop down from the building with the previous Amalgam and it will be under some rubble.
Abscess – 2
To the east of the area in the corner of the map.
Miracles Unlocked:
Divine Garrison II
Divine Amalgamation
Light Mastery I
Dark Mastery I
Ailment Mastery I
Foul Talisman
Talk to the Slime in Da’at: Minato, Hamamatsucho.
Miman – 17
East of the Abscess on the 3rd-floor ledge of a broken building, climb to the 4th floor, and drop down.
Amalgam – 4
Directly to the south of the last Miman drop back down to the stairs and climb back up to reach it.
Miman – 18
To the west of the area next to the highway.
Miman – 19
North off the highway against the wall behind a rock along the path.
Shiba Park
Aogami Husk – 2
Going south of the previous collectible will be on a ledge near the waterfall.
Miman – 20
Dropping down the waterfall onto the ledge below the previous collectible you will find this.
Miman – 21
After climbing up to the top of the west highway, it will be in the corner behind a rock.
Abscess – 3
After the last Miman, jump up to the top of the waterfall on the east side of the highway.
Miracles Unlocked:
Magatsuhi Wellspring
Vengeful Opportunist
Fell Swoop
Counter Incentive: Resist
Counter Incentive: Null
Demon Garrison III
Miman – 22
Directly north of the Abscess in front of a rock along the path.
Miman – 23
Along the river to the west of the Abscess.
Miman – 24
In the west corner area where Leanan Sidhe is under the broken building behind a rock.
Amalgam – 5
This is on top of the building above the last Miman but to get here you will need to take the west patch up the platforms after defeating Hydra.
Tokyo Tower
Miman – 25
To the north of Tokyo Tower in front of a rock.
East Azabu
Amalgam – 6
Use the Search point in front of the Demon Statue to reveal a Magatsu Rail that will take you to an area above follow it to the next Magatsu Rail to find the Amalgam.
Demon Statue Decerabia – 2
The path split south of Tokyo Tower in front of the Mermaid Pond.
Miman – 26
Under the Bridge to the left in an alcove after defeating Pazazu in the Mermaid Pond.
Amalgam – 7
Behind the Bridge in the mermaid pond after defeating Pazazu.
Return to Miman – 13 in the Shiba area
Miman – 27
North of Tokyo Tower at the strat of the area drop down into the broken building.
Miman – 28
At the west corner inside the building next to the slope.
Amalgam – 8
Go northwest outside the building and is located at the very end of the field with the Bicorn running around.
Miman – 29
North from the last Miman on a ledge behind some rubble.
Miman – 30
On the second floor of the building to the west of the previous Miman behind a wall.
Miman – 31
On the rooftop of the building to the west of the previous Miman.
Miman – 32
On the rooftop of the building to the north of Miman 30 can be reached by climbing the platforms.
Miman – 33
In the corner of the destroyed building on the ground to the west of the previous Miman.
Miman – 34
In the building to the north of the previous Miman behind a treasure chest can be reached by climbing the platform.
Skip to West Shinbashi
Miman – 35
Drop down to the ledge next to where the Abscess was.
Return to Toramomon
West Shinbashi
Miman – 36
Northeast of the Leyline Fount on a ledge above the vending machines.
Pixie Periapt
Talk to Pixie in Da’at: Minato, West Shinbashi.
Miman – 37
Inside the building to the west of the previous Miman with 2 vending machines next to it.
Miman – 38
Directly north of the Leyline Fount, it is past the biggest building you cant enter behind a wall.
Abscess – 4
Northeast from the previous Miman it is at the very back of the area.
Miracles Unlocked:
Unyielding Will
Deathly Aura I
Unforgotten Memories
Amalgam – 9
East of the Abscess, it is located at the very top of a broken building toward the edge of the map.
Miman – 39
West from the Abscess, go up the ramp and platform and it is at the very end of the highway against the wall.
Miman – 40
It is located at the opposite end of the highway on the east side from the last Miman keep following it and you will find it up against a wall.
Miman – 41
Go back along the highway until you get to the curve in the road and jump off there will be a narrow pathway that will take you to the top of the mountain and it is located on a ledge at the very north side of the mountain.
Amalgam – 10
Go south from the previous Miman and it will be located on top of a platform at the very edge of the cliff.
Miman – 42
Directly in front of the Baphomet Demon Statue down the right path to the left.
Demon Statue Baphomet – 3
Directly behind the last Miman.
Abscess – 5
West of the Onarimon Leyline Fount in the corner.
Miracles Unlocked:
Kindred Favor
Estoma Field I
Portent of Peril
Divine Garrison IV
Miman – 43
After jumping from the ledge to the other area next to Kohryu on the hill it is located behind a rock.
Miman – 44
South from the last Miman down the small left alcove, it is sitting next to the water.
Demon Statue Mothman – 4
Drop down onto the ledge opposite the Tokyo Tower.
Return to Miman – 35 in the Kamiyacho area
Miman – 45
Jump down the ledge and it is located behind a rock.
Miman – 46
In the next area to the south behind a wall under a rock.
Miman – 47
Up the platforms to the east of the last Miman under a tree.
Abscess – 6
Follow the path from the last Miman, all the way around the back and up the platforms.
Miracles Unlocked:
Warrior’s Conception
Skill Manifestation
Almighty Mastery I
Physical Mastery I
Frugal Soul I
Miman – 48
At the top of the mountain against the wall on the east side.
Aogami Husk – 3
Hanging on a pole in front of the Diet Building.
Amalgam – 11
Go up the Sand Dune to the right of the Diet Building to get on the roof it will be sitting on the edge.
Miman – 49
To the left of the Amalgam the Miman will be, behind the Diet Building against the wall.
Miman – 50
It will be at the very front roof of the Diet Building.
Jaki Talisman
Talk to Rakshasa in Da’at: Minato, Nagatacho.
You can go here after reaching Da’at Taito
Amalgam – 12
Located Southeast of the Bethel Egypt Leyline Fount ontop of the building.
Tokyo Bay Bridge
Amalgam – 13
Located next to where you Fight Seth on the other side of the Highway.
Amalgam – 14
Located south of the platform in the middle of the bridge behind a pillar.
For all other regions and guides by collectible type refer to SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI V: Vengeance Collectibles.
J says
What do you mean by “Skip to Hamamatsucho and keep following till the end of Tokyo Tower”? It seems to make more sense to get the collectibles in Hamamatsucho while you’re already there. Can you please explain if there’s a zipline or some specific reason to skip there.
LuckySlime says
I dont mean skip past it i mean skip to that area in the guide itself as in the shiba area there are collectibles that require you to go further in and since they are all grouped by area i have you skip to the next area past them and you will return back here further in the guide with a magatsu rail at the end of the shiba area further in that takes you back around to continue to the next area seamlessly, im sorry if it may have confused you