In Avatar Frontiers of Pandora you must find at least 30 Audio Log Locations for the trophy/achievement “A Good Listener“. There are more than the required 30 Audio Logs. They look like blue glowing tablets. Many of them spawn in multiple locations, it doesn’t matter in which location you collect them. If you collect one copy of an Audio Log, the other duplicate copies will disappear from the world. You need 30 unique Audio Logs for the trophy/achievement.
While some of them are in missable story-related areas you can’t return to, they usually spawn in other locations if missed. For example, the Resistance HQ in Kinglor Forest becomes permanently inaccessible after “Main Quest 20: A Victory Celebration”. But almost all of the Audio Logs respawn at a new Resistance HQ later in the story. Even if you miss everything possible there are still more than 30 open world locations after the story, so you can’t lock yourself out of any trophies.
Audio Logs are usually found at locations where humans were present, mainly at human-made buildings. Some only appear after having conquered certain Outposts & Bases.
This guide is intended for use after the story. Unless pointed out otherwise, the locations here are all after having finished the main story. If an audio log doesn’t spawn, you may already have collected it in another place. You can check which Audio Logs you found under Journal > Audio Logs. Each of them has a unique name so it’s easy to compare against the below list.
Resistance Headquarters
[Potentially Missable] #1 – Message for Priya: Meteor Shower
Found upstairs in the first Resistance HQ in Kinglor Forest. This Resistance HQ becomes inaccessible after Main Quest 20: A Victory Celebration. This is the only Audio Log that doesn’t respawn at the second Resistance HQ in Clouded Forest if you missed it (all other audio logs / notes respawn there). It’s unclear if or where else this audio log might respawn if missed.
#2 – Ri’nela’s Personal Log: The Truth
Found in the second Resistance HQ in Clouded Forest. In the entry hall near the workbench.
#3 – Priya’s Recording
Found in the second Resistance HQ in Clouded Forest. In the entry hall next to the workbench.
#4 – Alma’s Personal Log: Considering Ardmore
Found in the second Resistance HQ in Clouded Forest. In the entry hall, on the right side on a table where an NPC sits/stands (to the right of the workbench – only if you didn’t collect it already in 1st Resistance HQ in Kinglor Forest). *Alternatively, can also be found in the first Resistance HQ in Kinglor Forest until Mission 20: A Victory Celebration, if not collected it respawns in the second Resistance HQ in Clouded Forest.
#5 – Alma’s Personal Log: Supply Chains
Found in the second Resistance HQ in Clouded Forest. Inside the human living quarters after going through the metal doors (only if you didn’t collect it already in 1st Resistance HQ in Kinglor Forest). *Alternatively, can also be found in the first Resistance HQ in Kinglor Forest until Mission 20: A Victory Celebration, if not collected it respawns in the second Resistance HQ in Clouded Forest.
#6 – Daniela’s Personal Log: Forever on Pandora
Found in the second Resistance HQ in Clouded Forest. Inside the human living quarters after going through the metal doors (only if you didn’t collect it already in 1st Resistance HQ in Kinglor Forest). *Alternatively, can also be found in the first Resistance HQ in Kinglor Forest until Mission 20: A Victory Celebration, if not collected it respawns in the second Resistance HQ in Clouded Forest.
#7 – Priya’s Personal Log: “New Alma”
Found in the second Resistance HQ in Clouded Forest. Inside the human living quarters after going through the metal doors.
#8 – Priya’s Personal Log: The Right Choice
Found in the second Resistance HQ in Clouded Forest. Inside the human living quarters after going through the metal doors.
#9 – Alma’s Personal Log: Back to TAP
Found in the second Resistance HQ in Clouded Forest. Inside the human living quarters after going through the metal doors (only if you didn’t collect it already in 1st Resistance HQ in Kinglor Forest). *Alternatively, can also be found in the first Resistance HQ in Kinglor Forest until Mission 20: A Victory Celebration, if not collected it respawns in the second Resistance HQ in Clouded Forest.
#10 – For Hajir: New Moss
Found in the second Resistance HQ in Clouded Forest. Inside the human living quarters after going through the metal doors.
#11 – Message for Anqa: Radio Parts
Found just outside the Resistance HQ in Clouded Forest. Fast travel to the Resistance HQ, then go forward and upstairs, all the way through the Resistance HQ until you exit through the cave. After you exit the Resistance HQ, turn right to find a metallic structure with an antenna on it. You will find this on a box under the antenna. Immediately outside the north-west exit of Resistance HQ (only if you didn’t collect it already in 1st Resistance HQ in Kinglor Forest). *Alternatively, can also be found in the first Resistance HQ in Kinglor Forest until Mission 20: A Victory Celebration, if not collected it respawns in the second Resistance HQ in Clouded Forest.
Open World
#12 – RDA Log: Cursed Stone Pillars?
Kinglor Forest > Silk Woods > Gas Extractor Alpha. Inside RDA Outpost: Gas Harvester Alpha, after conquering the outpost in Main Quest: A New Plan (when nature has returned and the base is fully opened up). Head towards the north of the outpost and enter the room that contains many loot chests, it’s there next to a computer.
#13 – Feral Attack
Found in Upper Plains > Step’s Cradle, next to a Computer Terminal Collectible.
#14 – RDA Sec Ops: Probably My Final Report
Found in Upper Plains > The Stone Hold, next to a Computer Terminal Collectible.
#15 – Test Recording: Daniela
In the bunker where the 11th Treasure Hunt Comic is found. Must find all other Treasure Hunt Comics first to access it. See Treasure Hunt Comic Locations (Computer Terminals).
#16 – Billy’s Personal Log: Leaving the RDA
In the bunker where the 11th Treasure Hunt Comic is found. Must find all other Treasure Hunt Comics first to access it. See Treasure Hunt Comic Locations (Computer Terminals).
#17 – Teylan’s Personal Log: Change
Found outside the Resistance HQ in Kinglor Forest > Spinner’s Circle. It’s still there after the Resistance HQ disappears (can still find it here after the story).
#18 – Blue Interrogation
Found in Upper Plains > The Stone Hold > Extractor Plant, inside the Extractor Plant in the main hall in the middle, upstairs in a cage. Available after conquering Extractor Plant in Main Quest: Combined Forces. Just above where a Bellsprig spawns after having conquered the Extractor Plant base.
#19 – RDA internal update: Cages – priority one
Found in Clouded Forest > Crimson Great Wood > TAP Con-1. Inside the TAP Con-1 facility, after going through a metal door it’s in a small room where red mushrooms grow, on the left.
#20 – RDA internal memo – Watch out for Mercer!
Inside the TAP Con-1 facility. Keep advancing through the facility until you must go down a staircase overgrown by plants. Halfway down the stairs is a side office with this log (before going all the way down).
#21 – TAP subject log: Aha’ri
Inside the TAP Con-1 facility. Advance all the way downstairs, when you enter a big room it’s on the left on a computer desk. In the room where you must climb up the pipes to reach a red-lit computer room.
Inside the TAP Con-1 facility. Keep advancing through the facility until you must go through a vent with purple mushrooms growing inside it. Then the log is found on a shelf, just before going through another vent (room with blue/purple mushrooms).
#23 – Question Ref. Toxic Chemicals
Inside the TAP Con-1 facility. After going all the way through the facility, you’ll have to go up a rope to get back outside. After going up the rope it’s on the yellow barrels on the left.
#24 – RDA log: Last message?
Kinglor Forest > Stoneblade Ridge > West of RDA Base: Laser Ore Processor Alpha”. In the jungle, on a hill with a crashed airplane wreckage on it. Go halfway up the hill (circled in image below), there in the middle of the hill you find the audio log between the airplane wreck.
#25 – Alex’s notes: Biodiversity
Kinglor Forest > Silk Woods > Resistance Field Lab: Sunshine Valley Lab. Found inside the Sunshine Valley Lab building, upstairs in the main room.
#26 – Defoliant Report
Kinglor Forest > Silk Woods > Gas Harvester Alpha. Inside RDA Outpost: Gas Harvester Alpha, after conquering the outpost in Main Quest: A New Plan (when nature has returned and the base is fully opened up). Head towards the middle of the outpost and enter the bottom floor of the building in the middle (looks like a garage). Inside are some cages in the corner, the audio log is in the cage.
#27 – Anqa’s personal log: The Aranahe issue
Kinglor Forest > Waterway Valley > River Delta Station. Inside the field lab building, on a black shelf, in the corner.
#28 – Soup Sandwich
Kinglor Forest > Rising Spires > Hydro-Oil Extractor Alpha. After conquering this Outpost in “Main Quest: Pushing Back”, go into the south-east corner of the Outpost. Enter the “Logistics” building to find a blue computer screen and this audio log. After you conquered this outpost the nature will return and you can access this building.
#29 – Resistance Field Data: Aranahe interview
Kinglor Forest > Silk Woods > Boulder Station. On the roof of the field lab building.
#30 – Alex’s notes: Ecological collapse
Kinglor Forest > Gossamer Lakes > Falls Field Lab. On the roof of the field lab.
#31 – Ri’nela’s personal log: Are we really alone?
Upper Plains > Mother of Rivers > Overlook Field Lab. Inside the resistance field lab building, on a white desk.
#32 – Resistance Field Data: The First Zakru
Upper Plains > Mother of Rivers > Overlook Field Lab. On the roof of the resistance field lab building.
#33 – Resistance Field Data: Kame’tire song
Clouded Forest > Crimson Great Wood > Resting Tree Lab. At the resistance field lab on a white desk, outside the yellow building.
For all other collectible types refer to Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Collectible Guide.
Sidhu47G95 says
unable to find #8