This walkthrough for Chapter 15 in Resident Evil 4 Remake will guide you through all objectives. This also includes Collectibles, Trophies and Key Items.
For other Chapters see Resident Evil 4 Remake Walkthrough.
- Make your way to the summit
- Destroy the anti-aircraft gun
- Make your way to the summit
- Go after Ashley
- Head for Luis’s Laboratory
Chapter 15
Make your way to the summit
At the start of the chapter, you’ll be in the tower you just entered in the previous chapter. Climb up to the top and drop off the other side to reach the first merchant of the chapter, then continue towards the objective. Don’t rush into the area yet, hang back for a moment and a helicopter will appear and kill most of the enemies currntly in the area.
Mike in the helicopter helps through this first area, killing enemies that are out in the open. You can basically lead them around in the open area and he’ll take them out after a short period, saving you ammo.
Treasure: Red Beryl
Once the first set of enemies are defeat, go around the back of this building and hanging from the back corner you can find a metal cage. Shoot it to obtain a Red Beryl.
Keep making your way down the path ahead and the heli will destroy the next tower with enemies as well. You can then keep making your way forward and climb the ladder on the left to the next level.
Treasure: Velvet Blue
Turn right on this next level and look at the structure above to spot another metal cage. Shoot it down to obtain a Velvet Blue.
Destroy the anti-aircraft gun
Continue along the path and an AA gun will appear and start shooting at the helicopter. You’re going to need to destroy it to progress further, as you can’t get through the door ahead. Follow the path up the side of the building, watching for enemies who appear as you go, then when you reach the top there is a turret that is facing toward the AA gun. Interact with it to use it, then shoot at the gun until it blows up.
Make your way to the summit
With the gun destroyed Mike comes back and blows open the doors below you. Follow the path back down and go through to the next combat area.
In this area there are two switches you need to hit on the upper level, both sides of the door. Watch out for the two enemies who are above on turrets as they’ll shoot down at you. Your best bet is to hang an immediate left into the area where there is then a ladder that take you up to the platform above leading to the right switch. You can hide in the corner here and shoot the enemies on the turrets to clear a safer path.
After pulling the first switch jump down, then under where the left turret is there is another ladder taking you up to the platform on that side. Watch out when you climb up as a Brute with a gatling crossbow will appear to attack you. If you want you can run back and use the other turret to attack them when they’re in view. Pull the other switch to open the door and head through.
Merchant Request: Destroy the Blue Medallions 6
After the scene showing the helicopter being destroyed there will be a number of Novistador around you. Deal with them, then follow the path towards the building to find this request stuck on this building. DO NOT ENTER THE BUILDING UNTIL YOU HAVE SHOT ALL THE MEDALLIONS. If you go too far into the building you get locked in, and can’t return, so make sure you do everything in this outdoor area first.
Blue Medallion 1
In the tower straight above where you picked up the request letter. It’s quite far away but a shotgun or scoped rifle will easily hit it. You can also hold aiming with the handgun for a short period and it will close in enough to hit it.
Blue Medallion 2
Turn to the left and look at the scaffolding on the side of the building to spot the second medallion.
Blue Medallion 3
Now walk slightly back towards where you came from and look off to the right and you can spot the third medallion hanging on the ruins below (you can also shoot this when you go down there).
Blue Medallion 4
Walk back towards the east and you can enter the ruins where there is a spot you can drop down. Before doing this, go left of the ladder spot and look into the opening behind to spot the next medallion.
Treasure: Staff of Royalty
Climb down the ladder and go to the end of the path to find a chest containing the Staff of Royalty.
Blue Medallion 5
Now go to the north edge of this lower area and look out of the openings towards the cliffs slightly east. You have to get a pretty specific angle to shoot this final one.
Castellan 15
Now go back up and you can continue through the door where you found the Merchant Request Letter to enter a room with body bags (“Specimen Storage”). Continue through but DO NOT TOUCH THE CRANK YET. In the north of this area is a little room where you can find the Castellan sitting up in the rafters.
Treasure: Splendid Bangle
Then in the same room, there is a treasure chest containing a Splendid Bangle.
Now when you’re ready to continue, crank the handle to raise the door nearby. Once you go through this door you can’t come back, so make sure you’ve done everything in this area already.
The next area is full of body bags, and if you bump into a couple of them enough times a Regenerador will drop out the same as occurred in Chapter 12. The one that appears near the crank in the center of the room will always appear, but you can avoid the second one appearing by being careful moving around the body bags.
Deal with the one in the middle or avoid it, then turn the crank in the middle of the room to raise the exit door. Quickly make your way around before it drops to exit the room.
In the next room there is one final merchant for the chapter. Make sure to speak to them to turn in the completed request, and if you had done them all you’ll now earn Jack of All Trades . There is also one final Shooting Gallery elevator here for the playthrough. There are no new courses, but if you didn’t already S rank them all you can do so now before the end of the game. If you hadn’t bought it already this merchant does also give you the opportunity to buy the Killer7 at a discounted price.
When you’re ready head out the door to get to the last big combat area. Your goal here is to reach the top of the stairs to enter the temple, but you’ll be blocked by another turret which you need to deactivate. When you reach the section with the two buildings at the stairs a large number of enemies will also appear. Deal with them then head up the stairs in the building on the right.
If you look towards the building on the left from the right building you can spot a Brute looking at the wall. If you went up into the left building they’d attack you when you try to go through the door there, but coming up the right side first you can get a couple of shots on them before they are aware of you.
Head to the left building and go through the door on the upper floor. There will be one more enemy in here, then you can interact with the back of the turret to disable it, clearing you path up to the temple.
Go after Ashley
Inside the temple, go up to the front for a scene.
Head for Luis’s Laboratory
Once the scene is finished you’ll be carrying Ashley toward the lab. Follow along the short walking section to complete the chapter.
This finishes Chapter 15 in Resident Evil 4 Remake.
Next Chapter: Chapter 16 Walkthrough
For all other chapters refer to the Resident Evil 4 Remake Walkthrough.
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