Blindsided is a side case in Sherlock Holmes Chapter One. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Blindsided side quest.
Starting Borough: Scaladio
Starting Location: Cordona Chronicle building
Quest Giver: Eavesdropping on two men sitting inside Cordona Chronicle building
Requirement: Finished Main Case “The Muse From Abroad”
Reward: Join The Club (missable),
Open Eyes (missable), one of the three accusation sequences for
Guilty! (missable)- also 70 Money
Case Info: People are talking about a man who was killed in the Old Ruins, on the south-western side of Grand Saray. Apparently both his eyes were shot out. That strains credulity, but is worth investigating.
Starting Location: Blindsided
Blindsided case starts in Borough: Scaladio, Place: Cordona Cordona Chronicle building.
This is only available after finishing Main Case “The Muse From Abroad“. Must eavesdrop on two men sitting in the left corner. The correct words to filter out are: In Old Ruins, Precise Hits, Blinded.
Old Ruins
Pin objective “Eyes Wide Shot”. We must go to the Old Ruins, located in the south-west of Grand Saray. Approach via the shoreline and you will automatically be greeted by a man, the undertaker. Exhaust all dialogues with him.
After the conversation, walk up to the ruin pillars. There you find the victim on the ground. Inspect the corpse. It holds 4 clues: key left of him (rotate to view side), gun near his head (rotate to view from side and view the cylinder from the front).
At the “2” police marker next to the corpse, inspect the 3 clues (bullets, red blindfold, footprints in concentration mode).
To the right, pick up the yellow “Duellist’s Suit” on a stone slab (important, we need this later).
To the right of this suit, we find the “3” marker on the ground. Pick up the gun case, rotate it to view the bullets inside, the logo on the back, the broken corner in bottom right.
To the right of this, you can find the “4” marker on a pillar. Inspect the book and the paper. At this point you get Jon’s challenge “The True Blind Duellist”, which requires following the 3 rules of the Duelling Club throughout this case for Join The Club. Each requirement will be pointed out at the relevant time.
Walk up the hill with the broken statue head. Up there you find red stains on a stone slab and a gun in the grass (view from side and cylinders from back).
Now you can trigger the reconstruction of what happened here. Interact with the white orb next to the corpse. See the solution below, in the same order as we collected the clues before.
After validating the reconstruction, Sherlock realizes he’s missing something here. You need to interact with the white orb a second time to do yet another reconstruction in the same place. The only two things you must change are the guy with tophat at the “3” marker (has both hands to ears and drops gun case) & the shooter at the top of the ruins who must be changed to the unknown person pointing his gun. Everything else you keep as it was before. After validating, Sherlock realizes there must have been an unknown 4th person who fired the shot.
Now talk to the undertaker again who greeted us earlier at the shoreline.
Missable Trophy Requirement 1/3: Join the Club – for this you must follow the rules of the blind dueling club to complete Jon’s optional challenge “The True Blind Duellist” (don’t mention the club to anyone, never miss a chance to practice shooting skills, do not kill anyone at the shooting club). For the first requirement, you cannot mention the club to the undertaker! Pick dialogues: “Let’s get to the point” (DO NOT SAY “Heard of the Duelling Club?”) > Provide Evidence > Duel in the Ruins.
After this you should get the “All Evidence Collected” notification for the Ruins and you’ll now have two objectives that require searching archives.
Police Archives
Pin objective “Blindfolded Victim” and head to the archives inside Cordona Police Station. Filter by: Crimes = Violent crimes / Subjects = Victims / Districts = Scaladio.
Cordona Chronicle Archives
Now pin objective “Undertaker’s Testimony” and go to the archives inside Cordona Chronicle building. Filter by: Period = Recent / Section = Front page / Districts = Old City.
Von Staub Residence
Track objective “Report No. 32-07”. It tells us that the Von Staub Residence is located on Baskerville St. From Cordona Chronicle, head down Baskerville St southwards. Just past the next intersection is the “Von Staub Residence”:
Be sure to put on the “Police Uniform” via the Wardrobe Menu, then enter the residence via the front door. You must be disguised as police so that the butler lets you enter. In the living room you can talk to Magda von Staub, the sister of the victim. Observe her (face, stain on upper body, ribbon on upper body, purple marks on arms, stains on arms, yellow marks on arms, red paint at bottom of skirt). The correct character portrait is “Victim of beatings“.
Now go through all available dialogues with her. Feel free to pick the optional ones too about her bruises and alibi, but this isn’t mandatory. After the talk, inspect the piano in the same room for 2 clues (music sheet & parent’s photograph which you must turn around).
Head through the door to the right of the piano, leading outside. Turn right again, before heading upstairs, to see Jon finger-shooting some vases.
Missable Trophy Requirement 2/3: Shoot all of the vases (5 total)! This fulfills the 2nd rule of the Blind Duelling Club to never miss an opportunity to practice your aim.
Now go upstairs. through the wooden door straight ahead, then the first door on the right with a white dove icon on it (Magda’s room).
There are numerous things to inspect here. We’ll go through the room in clockwise order. First, the makeup mirror on the left (Ointment Box):
The picture frame on the red stools in front of the bed:
All the paintings covering the windows around the room. In particular, the one furthest right counts as a clue and then any of the other four will count as one:
The portrait of the man in yellow suit (our victim). It holds 3 clues (the portrait itself, the color palette in bottom left on table, the empty gun rounds below portrait):
That’s all in Magda’s room. Leave the room and enter her brother’s room directly across the hallway, with the black horse icon on it. Inside there are more clues to find. We’ll again to clockwise, starting on the left. There you can use concentration mode on the table:
Whip on box left of bed:
Burned Paper on shelf right of bed (use concentration mode and also pick it up afterward). There’s also a book this shelf but doesn’t seem to count as a clue.
The main desk across from the bed (5 clues: crumbled paper on left, man’s portrait in middle – must view front and back, portrait of men in yellow suits in middle – view front and back, open letter in middle, bunch of letters on right).
Now go to your casebook and do a chemical analysis on “Burnt Letters”. Solution is below:
That’s all the collectable evidence here. Head back downstairs, talk to Magda again and present her with all evidence you gathered so far. Do this until she can’t be talked to anymore.
Now track objective “Picture of Blindfolded Men”. We must now find the Blind Duelling Club.
Blind Duelling Club Location
The Picture of Blindfolded Men doesn’t give us much to go on, so normally you’d just have to wander around town until you find it based on the photo. But you can skip straight ahead. The Blind Duelling Club is located at the southern end of Baskerville St in Grand Saray, it’s the last mansion on the street. After leaving the Von Staub Residence, turn left and head down the street, then the 2nd Manor on the left will be the Blind Duelling Club. See the exact spot below:
You have to equip the yellow “Duellist Suit” to enter, otherwise the butler won’t let you pass. This suit was found at the Old Ruins to the right of the corpse of our victim.
Once inside, turn to the right and you can interact with the guest book on the small table, as well as the two portraits on the wall, and the gun case in front of the left portrait (concentration mode).
Turn around and you can see another portrait and the letter box.
Now head through that door and go downstairs. Along the way you can see a plaque to remind you not to shed blood at the club. Once you go through the basement door, you get attacked by some duellists.
Missable Trophy Requirement 3/3: Arrest all enemies, do NOT kill them! This fulfills the 3rd rule of the Blind Duelling Club to never shed blood. The trophy will unlock immediately after the enemy encounter if you fulfilled both previous requirements too. It also finishes Jon’s Challenge “The True Blind Duellist”.
After arresting everyone, there are some clues in this room. We’ll start to the left of where we entered and go clockwise. On the left side is a blue book, paint bullets, map on wall:
Shooting target in middle of room:
Table at black leather sofas, holds 4 clues: bottle, two glasses, telegrams on table, broken glass on the floor left of table.
Now pin objective “The Other Club Member”. Once it’s pinned, you can use concentration mode /
to see tracks leading from the leather couches to the other side of the room. Follow those tracks, they will stop at a lamp which you can interact with, it has a hidden switch. Press it to reveal a secret path behind the bookshelf, then go through there and up the stairs.
Upstairs you find the third club member who ran away, Heinrich Feugen von Cramm. If you did the trophy for following the 3 club rules he will be much more forgiving of your intrusion, but if you slaughtered his friends downstairs he will be distrustful yet still answers your questions. Observe him (eyes, pin on chest, red stain on arm, ring on finger, dirt on trousers). The correct character portrait is “Valuable witness“.
Exhaust all dialogues with him and provide him the evidence you found so far. After this you can find more clues in the room. Behind him are a picture on the wall, books on shelf, magnifying glass on table, letter on safe (rotate to view front and back).
In front of him are more clues: Gramophone and recordings on table, bust on piano, portrait on piano (view front and back), newspaper to right of piano.
Talk to him once again, choose “You noticed more at the dual” and present him with the new evidence. DON’T Accuse him! We need to accuse Magda for a trophy instead.
Time to head back to Magda at Von Staub Residence (remember to put on Police Uniform so the butler lets you through).
Von Staub Residence 2nd Visit
Return to talk to Magda in Von Staub Residence and accuse her.
Two missable trophies take place during the conversation with her: Open Eyes &
Pick the following dialogues: Accuse > MUST PICK THE 3 CORRECT ACCUSATIONS: LeMat Revolver, Duel in the Ruins, Letter to Mr. Boddington. Then say “You are free”.
By sparing her you unlock Open Eyes. Picking the 3 correct accusations here counts towards
Guilty!. For that trophy you must also pick the correct Accusations in Side Cases “Love, Death, and Cordona” & “Iron Coffin“, so if you haven’t done those it won’t unlock the trophy yet. If you did these, then the trophy should unlock after the next cutscene when the mission finishes.
You also get 70 Money as a reward.
This finishes the Blindsided Cordona Story case in Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
For all other Cases, view the full Sherlock Holmes Chapter One Walkthrough.
Eirene-Rose says
The 3 correct accusation will should be Missing Guncase (missing guncase from Erich’s room), Duel in The Ruin, Letter to Mr. Boddington…
SL says
I do not believe that it matters which of the two the player chooses as their answer to the questiiquestion of, “What?” LeMat Revolver also shows a green checkmark and there is no difference in the dialogue.
Max says
You could actually pin the photo and ask the servant in lady’s house to find out where the club is.
So, this is incorrect:
The Picture of Blindfolded Men doesn’t give us much to go on, so normally you’d just have to wander around town until you find it based on the photo. But you can skip straight ahead.