Splitting the Loot is a Police Case in Sherlock Holmes Chapter One. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Splitting the Loot side quest.
Starting Borough: Scaladio
Starting Location: Cordona Police Station
Quest Giver: Quest Board inside Police Station, to the left of the entrance
Requirement: Complete 2nd Police Case The Collie Shangles
Reward: 20 Money
Case Info: Three men were killed in a quarrel over the distribution of bank robbery loot. The gunfight was reported at the northern end of Silverton, in a backyard on Engineers Ln, between Ebernote St and Coalpit St.
Starting Location: Splitting the Loot
Splitting the Loot Police Case starts in Borough: Scaladio, Place: Cordona Police Station.
Enter the police station, look to the left after entering and you’ll see a quest board. Interact with it to start “Splitting the Loot” case.
Case Location (Backyard)
From the street furthest north-east in Silverton borough, enter a backyard via Engineer Ln. There you find a police officer standing outside the crime scne. Enter the crime scene to inspect the clues.
Case Solution (Clues)
Press /
to highlight the clues at the crime scene with yellow dots. They have little police signs with numbers on the floor, too.
#1 – Where the “1” is on floor, inspect the broken bottle and the money on floor.
#2 – Where the “2” is on floor, spects the bullet holes on the wooden cart and the blood on the wheel.
#3 – Where the “3” is on floor, inspect the knife in the blood, turn it around and interact with it from both sides.
#4 – Where the “4” is on floor, inspect the shotgun on the ground and the knife in the tree.
#5 – Where the “5” is on floor, inspect the broken glasses on the right and the revolver on the left. On the revolver, inspect the cylinder to open it to see how many bullets were fired and inspect the side of the revolver to see what revolver exactly it is.
#6 – Where the “6” is on floor, interact with it once to automatically see the bullet holes on the piece of tree.
Now you can interact with the white orb to reconstruct what happened at the crime scene.
#1 – Where clue 5 was, pick the bald man with glasses holding his stomach.
#2 – Where clue 2 was at the wooden cart, pick the old man with a hat holding his leg.
#3 – Where clue 3 was at the wall, pick the old man with hat.
#4 – Where clue 4 was, pick the man with hair and beard holding his throat.
After this hold /
to validate the reconstruction.
Sherlock will lay out what happened. However, we will start saying “There’s something I’m missing here”. This is normal and no way around this. The last clue requires you to track the objective “The Missing Piece” from your casebook, which is only available now after we did all the above steps.
You must enter focus mode by holding /
and aim at the footprint in front of the dying man with hat at the wall, where clue 3 was.
Once you’ve inspected it, you should see a man aiming the gun at the dying man with hat. This is the last step here, all that’s left is returning to the police station.
What happened – true killer revealed: The man with the shotgun was killed by a throwing-knife to the neck. But not before firing at the man in glasses. The man in the hat took a bullet to the leg, but two other bullets missed. The bootprint revealed that a police officer (police boot), Officer Schmidt, killed the last robber and took the loot for himself. The other men killed each other, but he shot the last survivor.
Return to Police Station
After inspecting the footprint, fast travel back to the police station and talk to the clerk. Sherlock will automatically report his findings to him and gets his reward (20 Money).
This finishes the Splitting the Loot case in Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
For all other Cases, view the full Sherlock Holmes Chapter One Walkthrough.
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