Eidos 9 is an optional area that is only available if you max out Lily’s progress bar before trying to progress to the next area after finishing Abyss Levoire. This region is linear and does not feature an in-game map. There are a total of 48 collectibles in this area, all of which become missable after the second point of no return, which happens after finishing the area “Spire 4“, then talking to Lily to progress to the last area, so make sure you collect everything before then.
- Naytiba Data: 1
- Camp: 6
- Box: 24
- Memory Stick: 7
- Document: 4
- Passcode: 0
- Can: 0
- Body Core: 0
- Beta Core: 0
- Tumbler Expansion Module: 0
- Drone Upgrade Module: 2
- Weapon Core/Damaged Weapon Core: 1
- Nano Suit: 3
- Exospine: 0
Collectible Overview:
Box #1
As soon as you land on Eidos 9, there will be a crate behind the Tetrapod. You’ll need to do a sound puzzle to open it.
Legionnaire 158’s Memory Memory Stick
Once you jump onto the highway, the corpse with the memory stick will be leaning against one of the cars on the right side.
Cocoon / Box #2
After destroying the first Cocoon, go through the red door and there will be a chest at the end of the hallway.
Box #3 / Legionnaire 196’s Report Memory Stick
Jump over to the next roof and go through the door. Go to the right to find another crate. From the crate, go the other way and there will be a corpse with the memory stick by the hole in the wall.
Drone Upgrade Module #1
From the second Cocoon, drop down the yellow ledges and you’ll be able to jump over to an island-like area where there will be a Drone Upgrade Module on top of the red car.
Box #4 / Planet Diving Suit (6th) Nano Suit
From the previous collectible, jump across to the building with the Egyptian style pillars. You’ll have to swim through the water for a little bit which will slowly kill you, but you’ll make it there before you die. Once you’re across, climb up to the top from the yellow ledges on the side.
Once you’re on the roof, jump up to the top and go through the red door. The crate will be to the left once you’re inside. If you pre-ordered the game, and already got the nano suit out of the pre-order crate, you’ll only get Vitcoins out of this crate instead.
Box #5
Before jumping to the giant sign that says ‘OCRAF’, go through the opened red door and there will be a crate inside.
Camp #1
On the left side of the highway, when you’re on your way to section 2.
Box #6 / Eidos 9, Of You and Mother Document
From the previous camp, jump off the monorail line to the little island. There will be a crate here as well as a robot that will drop the document. You can get back up by jumping across the cargo containers.
Box #7
From the camp, go up the next broken highway and the crate is next to the roaming Dozer.
Legionnaire 192’s Memory Memory Stick / Ticket to Heaven Document
From the previous crate, go across to the other rooftop with the Cocoon enemy and then climb onto the roof to the right. You’ll find both collectibles up there.
Box #8
Backtrack to the monorail then jump over to the first building you can to the right. Go into the building through the open door and there will be a crate inside.
Box #9
Jump over to the building with the giant ‘CARWASH’ sign and there will be a crate behind the giant AC unit behind the stairs.
Camp #2
From the previous crate, go downstairs twice and the camp is at the bottom of the second flight of stairs.
Legionnaire 292’s Recollection Memory Stick / Box #8
From the previous camp, go downstairs again and enter the parking garage. The corpse with the memory stick will be directly ahead, against the pillar. There will also be a crate to the left behind the yellow car.
Box #10
Go up a floor in the parking garage and once you reach the fork in the road, go to the left and there will be a crate at the dead end.
Legionnaire 230’s Resignation Memory Stick / Box #11
Once you have to exit the parking garage by the yellow ledges, following the yellow ledges to the right and you’ll drop down into a lower part on the first floor of the parking garage with both collectibles.
Box #12 / Punk Top Nano Suit
From the previous collectibles, follow the yellow ledges again and once you reach the far left corner before you have to go to the right again, press to drop and quickly jump onto the metal platform on the left side. Follow the yellow ledges from there and it’ll lead to a crate at the end.
Box #13
Once you reach the third floor of the parking garage, there will be a crate beside the Hydra enemy.
Legionnaire 207’s Request Memory Stick / Box #14 / Drone Upgrade Module #2
Once at the top of the parking garage, both collectibles will be beside the school bus right by the ramp. There will also be a Drone Upgrade Module on the ground by the cars.
Box #15
From the parking garage, jump across to side with the taller building and then go right. Behind the Cocoon will be a set of stairs that lead to a crate.
Camp #3
Back track past where the Cocoon was and then climb up the tall building. Half way up there will be a camp.
Legionnaire 282’s Memory Memory Stick
Backtrack to parking garage and jump across to the other side where the monorail is, then jump across to the building with the Cocoon. There will be another flight of stairs behind the Cocoon that will lead to a corpse with the memory stick.
Camp #4
Backtrack onto the monorail and follow it until it branches paths. Follow the left path, which should lead you to a giant red slide, then go down it. There will be a camp at the bottom of the slide.
Box #16
After the ambush is defeated, there will be a crate inside the small building to the right.
Box #17
From the previous crate, go behind the building and climb on top. Go across the wall running section and then climb up onto the next rooftop. There will be a crate behind the fenced area once you’re up top.
Box #18
From the previous crate, drop down to the street level and there will be a crate in the corner.
Book of Quotes 2 Document
From the previous crate, climb back up and follow the pathway and you’ll have to climb up some vents. Once you’re done climbing the vents, the document will be on the ground ahead.
Box #19
From the previous collectible, climb the ladder and the chest will be on the left after walking through the fence. The crate will be another sound puzzle.
Box #20
From the previous crate, swing across the ropes and then enter the small building at the end. There will be a crate inside.
Camp #5
From the previous crate, climb up the building and there will be a camp once you’re at the top, before climbing up the ladder.
Weapon Core Upgrade Material #1 / Box #21
Dropped from the Corrupter fight, after the previous camp. There will also be a crate in front of the exit of the area.
Box #22
After making it back to the original monorail, go down the grey slide to where the last Cocoon is. There will be a crate beside the button that lowers the rope to get off the island.
Box #23 / Motivation Nano Suit
After clearing all 6 Cocoons, you’ll need to follow the objective down a red slide. Once you start going down the slide, do not jump to switch to the grey slide, just stay on the red slide and once you reach the bottom, there will be a Dozer and a Hydra. After they’re defeated, climb up the small roof, where the crate is.
Box #24
After going down the second red slide and reaching the floating cargo containers, right before jumping onto the main island, you can jump to the half-submerged cargo container. You’ll land in the water and have to swim a little bit to the cargo container, but you shouldn’t die depending on how far you managed to jump. From here, jump towards the smaller island, where there will be a crate behind the rubble.
Camp #6
Once you reach the Atelier, the camp will be on the pathway around to the entrance.
What Will You Choose? Document
On the ground inside the Atelier.
Next Up: Spire 4
For all other regions and guides by collectible type refer to Stellar Blade Collectibles.
Majury says
Before Box #22, if you head up the gray slide, towards the Ferris wheel, there is a materials box at the end.
Irwynn says
I got Planet Diving Suit (6th) Nano Suit from pre-order box in Xion, so there were only 2 vitacoins in the chest 4
Faisal says
There is no planet suit v6 in the box-if you preorder the game-box is empty
Liminal says
There is a box right under the first bridge part, down near the water.
Kensei says
There is a box missed here.
Directly after u enter Eidos 9 just before going up on the first building walk towards the upper left corner of the second piece of the bridge (or when you stand on the corner of the building facing towards way you came) and look down there is a chest down on a small piece of land where a piller stands on.
To get there you have to follow the upper left corner of the bridge, walk and jump from beam to beam, then climb down the pillar.
Sonny Nagy says
What? I don’t understand your instructions here. I’m standing on the left side of the first part of the bridge before going up the first building, I see no land nor do I see any beams I can jump to
EVE says
Thanks for the tip. I see what you mean. Basically when you arrive at Eidos 9, go on the first bridge. When you step down to the second bridge, just turn around and go to the right side of the second bridge and look down. You’ll see the beams which you can jump on and a crate with Polymer materials at the bottom.
Scrxtch says
There is a box missed after box 22, instead of going down the slide go up to the top.