Galar Dex: #347 Turtonator
Abilities: Shell Armor (1) | Shell Armor (2) | Shell Armor (H)
Type: Fire / Dragon
EXP Group: MediumFast
Egg Group: Monster / Dragon
Hatch Cycles: 20
Height: 02.00 m, Weight: 212.0 kg, Color: Red
Evolution: None (one form only)
Characteristics: Explosive substances coat the shell on its back. Enemies that dare attack it will be blown away by an immense detonation. Eating sulfur in its volcanic habitat is what causes explosive compounds to develop in its shell. Its droppings are also dangerously explosive.
Turtonator Location in Pokemon Sword & Shield: You can find Turtonator in the following locations:
- Lake of Outrage
- NON-OVERWORLD – Intense Sun (Lv. 50-52) – 02% Spawn Chance – Sword Exclusive
- Can be caught from some Sword Exclusive 5-Star Raids (4 Raids total) – Sword Exclusive
- Sword Exclusive Pokemon, cannot be found in Shield edition (Shield players get Drampa instead).
- How to get Turtonator in Shield: Have a Sword player trade you this Pokemon.
Turtonator Stats:
- HP: 60
- Attack: 78
- Defense: 135
- Special Attack: 91
- Special Defense: 85
- Speed: 36
- Total Combat Points: 485
For where to find all other Pokemon Locations, check out Pokemon Sword & Shield – All Pokemon Locations
Angie says
Put a vulpix with flash fire ability in your first slot and you’ll get him in a few tries idk how it works but it does
Kira says
Thank you so much, can’t believe it but that actually works!
D says
It works…. 4 hours with no luck. I read this comment and tried it. Bam, 2nd grass spot and I got him.
Max says
I saw this and thought, pfff that sounds silly, but after an hour I was desperate, so I tried it and I swear to God it worked on the second encounter. Thank You.
SlushelHusky says
Dude i got bored after 5 tries, put a ninetales with falsefire on and legit my next encounter was turtonator
kpfettstyle says
Whoa this is witchcraft. I did th is and it worked on my first try lol
Manny says
WOW!!! After trying for 15 minutes I did this (with a Centiskorch With Flashfire) And it worked!! It is pretty safe to assume that any Pokémon with Flash Fire would do.
Rb says
Wow, I’ve been trying to find one for 3 days, no kidding. I found 1 and it used explosion… then I followed your method and 2 of the next 3 pokemon I saw were turtanators. First one used explosion second one I caught with a quick ball. Thank you!
Tiff says
Wow! First check after this. Been at it for over an hour! Thank you!
Phoenix says
We’ve been looking for a Turtonator all day and we just put a Ninetales with Flash Fire in our first spot – second exclamation point we encountered was a Turtonator. Thank god for this comment!!
Jimmy says
It doesn’t have to be a Pokémon with flash fire just any Pokémon with fire typing.
Mark Angelo Williams says
Oh that is weird! I encountered 2 of them in a couple minutes!
Nick says
Yes, this does indeed work. I spent ages trying to find one and as soon as I saw this, went and caught a vulpix and returned to Lake of Outrage. With Vulpix in the first slot in my party I came across a Turtonator on my 3rd try.
Ryan says
Wow! The flash fire trick worked immediately! Thanks!
John Mangel says
I can confirm Vulpix is a G
Alexis says
I can also confirm! Got a Turtonator on the 2nd try after i had a vulpix with flash fire in the first slot! So wierd but yaaaaay
Marshallsniffballs says
I shall be trying this later. Until then i will smother myself in peanut butter and let my dogs do their thingggg
Tuttam says
Trick with Vulpix with Flash Fire in first slot works.
Daniyal Islam says
I got a turtonator on the first try with the vulpix thing. Thanks!
Samara1man says
Does this work on shield?
ArtfullyRandom says
This is sheild exclusive
Sora Blackwell says
“In Pokémon Sword and Shield, if a Pokémon with Flash Fire is in the first place in the party (even if fainted), then there is a 50% chance the game will force an encounter with a Fire-type Pokémon, if one is possible.”
That’s the reason why Vulpix works: Fire check comes first, and if successful, Turtonator and Coalossal are the only valid options.
John says
Yeah I found one pretty soon. Failed a critical catch and it used explosion.
GeoFad says
why doesn’t it work for me?
Amy says
Omg this actually worked! Thanks for the tip.
Ssvenpai says
dude wtf this works game freak atleast didnt want us to be completely hopeless
Tim says
I am amazed after trying for two hours I found this thread and put my Flareon with flash fire in the first slot and turtonator was the first encounter I had
Tay says
Been trying for days. Came across this post and after about 10 min….got it!!! This was a life saver. Too many times was I about to toss my Switch. Thanks!!!