Ulster contains 8 Artifact Locations in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (ACV). This walkthrough will guide you to all Artifacts in Ulster Territory and how to get them. None of the Artifacts are missable. This region is part of Ireland in the Wrath of the Druids DLC expansion (DLC #1).
Artifact Collectibles get marked by white icons on the world map automatically when synchronizing the viewpoints. They include the following types of collectibles: Ui Neill Artifacts, Irish Cycle Pages, Treasure Hoard Maps, Flying Papers and Cursed Symbols. Finding all Artifacts in Ireland is needed to complete all Territories for the Irish Legend trophy or achievement.
Also in this region:
Artifact #1: Irish Cycle Page
Climb up to the top of the tower and find this on a crate.
Artifact #2: Ui Neill Artifact
Firstly, you need to find the entrance to the cave containing the artifact. It is approximately 25m to the southeast of the symbol on the map (shown on the second screenshot above). You’ll also then need to use your Incendiary Powder Trap Ranged Ability to break the wall at the entrance. Go through the tunnel and grab the artifact.
Artifact #3: Flying Paper (Pict Scheme (Back))
Chase the Paper across the wrecks of the ships and collect it.
Artifact #4: Cursed Symbol
The path to this Symbol is a little more complicated then the others. Firstly, you can’t shoot it from outside the trench with spikes, so you need to find the entrance. This is about 70m west of the symbol, shown below.
Then, once you enter the trench, turn right and follow the path around until you can take a left. Follow this path until you reach a ramp with wooden shields resting against it, and use that ramp to jump up to another ledge.
As soon as you hit the top of this ledge, look to your left and climb the pole and run across the tightrope.
Drop down, look to your left and go out onto the next tightrope where you can get a view of the Symbol to shoot it.
To get out of this area, go back to the center camp area and find the zipline down to the entrance.
Artifact #5: Ui Neill Artifact
To find the entrance to this cave, head 35m west of the symbol to find a sort of porch created by the stones, with a breakable door you can see. Destroy this door with your weapon but be careful, as there is poisonous gas beyond it. Quickly run through this tunnel and grab the Artifact.
Artifact #6: Treasure Hoard Map
Head to the hut on the river and head around to the side facing the river. Shoot the barred door through the window, then go around to the door and go through it to find the Map.
Artifact #7: Treasure Hoard Map
Access the house either through one of the open windows or by shooting the barred door through said windows, then climb the ladder to the second floor to find this Map.
Artifact #8: Cursed Symbol
To get this one, you need to climb up the large rock adjacent to the northwest of the one the symbol is on. Around halfway up there will be a ledge made from the ruins of half a wooden canoe. Stand on the boat and shoot through the gap in the rocks across the way to destroy the Symbol.
That’s 100% of the Artifacts you can find in Ulster Region of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (ACV).
For all other Artifacts check out the complete Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Artifacts Guide. For the other Collectibles in this region check out the Wealth Guide and Mysteries Guide.
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