Dying Light 2 Stay Human (DL2) has 7 Facility Locations (Water Towers & Electrical Stations). Finding and assigning all Facilities unlocks the Municipal Services trophy and achievement.
None of these Points of Interest Collectibles are missable. You can still find and activate all of them after the story in free-roam. Facilities are the “faction buildings” in Dying Light 2. You can assign them to one of the two factions “Peacekeepers” (blue) or “Survivors” (yellow). Depending on who you give them to you unlock different modifications to the game world. The Peacekeepers build traps that make combat easier in the open world. The Survivors build extra parkour objects that make traversal around the city easier. For a list of all Faction Rewards, refer to Dying Light 2 – Faction Rewards (Peacekeepers & Survivors).
The first 3 facilities are automatic from the story and cannot be missed. Which faction you assign them to does have consequences for the story, because it decides which faction you want to side with. The remaining 4 facilities are open world activities. Water Towers are parkour challenges where you must complete a long climb to reach the top of the tower. Electrical Stations require you to connect some cables in the correct order.
Story-Related Facilities
Facility #1: Horseshoe Water Tower
Automatically from 8th Main Story Quest “Water Tower”.
Facility #2: Downtown Electrical Station
Automatically from 11th Main Story Quest “A Place to Call Home”.
Facility #3: Garrison Electrical Station
Automatically from 16th Main Story Quest “Broadcast”.
Free-Roam Facilities
Facility #4: Houndfield Electrical Station
- Location: Old Villedor – Houndfield
- You can enter this electrical station via the broken windows halfway up the building. The easiest way is to use the ropelift in the north-east corner of the building to get to the roof. From there jump to the roof below and go through the broken windows. This gets you inside the facility.
- There are 2 power cables to connect. The first is upstairs. Jump the yellow hanging crate, same floor as the broken windows you used to enter. From there you can swing to the yellow ledges on the wall, climb up, then use the cable to climb to the opposite side of the room. This brings you to the top floor where the “2” power cable is.
- Grab the cable and jump down to the trashbags below, in the basement. It’s a long fall but you won’t take any fall damage when landing in the trashbags. In the basement you find the box to connect “cable 2”.
- Now stay in the basement and look for a side room with a ladder leading up. Climb up this ladder, and in the next room climb another ladder. This leads you to the room with the “1” power cable.
- Open the door in that room, then jump on the cable to the left and from there jump down to the “1” box. Connect the cable and wait for the elevator to arrive in the basement.
- Ride the elevator to the control room and activate the terminal to restore power to this facility.
Facility #5: Wharf Water Tower
- Location: Central Loop – Muddy Grounds
- First you must climb into the tower area, from the west wall of the tower (or fly there from a nearby building).
- Once inside the tower yard, head to the southern edge of the yard and enter the green container building (on the ground level below tower). This leads inside the tower.
- Climb the yellow rings on the pipes, turn around to jump off to the bridges (they have a yellow tarp to indicate where to jump).
- After going up the 1st ladder, use the monkey bar on the left to swing to the next bridge, then to another yellow ring on a pipe, then to another monkey bar and the 2nd ladder.
- After the 2nd ladder climb the yellow rings on the pipe in the middle of the room, turn around to jump to the next balcony, then use the two ropes to swing to the bridges further up.
- At this point you must go through a window and head outside. There’s a single rope here in front of you. Jump to it, turn around, and when it swings back (at its highest point during the swing), jump off to the top floor of the tower (yellow tarp marks the spot). This is the trickiest jump of the whole climb, you need to jump off at just the right moment when at the high-point of the rope swing.
- Once you made this jump you’re on the top floor and just need to activate the valve that turns on the water tower.
Facility #6: Saint Paul Electrical Station
- Location: Central Loop – Saint Paul Island
- Start by killing the enemies in the yard outside the electrical station. Then climb up the chimney on the east wall of the station. From there you can get up to the roofs and enter the facility through the broken windows.
- Jump down into the water. There’s a cable box underwater (1/A/B). From this cable box swim up and to the left, exit the water and connect it to the red “A” box, hit the button on the door to open it.
- Enter this room and go down the stairs to another underwater section. Swim straight ahead, turn right, right again, open the locked gate, turn around in same room as the locked gate to find the “2” power box.
- Take the cable from it and connect it to the red “2” box in the “A” room from where you came (can swim out to the flooded main room where the “1/A/B” box is and then swim up to the “A” room).
- Now head back to the “1/A/B” box underwater in the central room. Take the cable and this time connect it to the “B” room, from the box it’s to the right and up. Hit the door button to open it.
- Go down the stairs to the left for another underwater section. Swim straight ahead and up the stairs on the other side to reach the “C” box.
- Take the “C” cable, swim back down the way you came and connect it to the red “C” box underwater.
- To the left of the “C” box hit the switch to open the door, then swim into the next room on the left which has the “3” cable.
- Take the cable and open the locked gate opposite the “3” box. This leads back into the central room. Swim to the right and enter the “B” room, which contains the red “3” box, connect the cable to it.
- Now swim back to the “1/A/B” box underwater in the central room. Take the cable from it and connect it to the “1” box straight above the “1/A/B” box outside the water, very close to it.
- With all 3 cables connected, an elevator should arrive in this room. If not, you must clear out the enemies first. Enter the elevator, take it to the control room floor, use the console in the control room to power up the station.
Facility #7: Saint Paul Water Tower
- Location: Central Loop – Lower Dam Ayre
For this Tower you will need the Parkour Skills “Tic Tac” “Wall Run” & “Wall Run Jump”.
- From the ground floor of the tower you can use the monkey bar to swing to the bridge above.
- From there, use “Tic Tac” skill (press and hold
while jumping on wall) to run along the wall and immediately jump off the wall to the bridge above. Without doing the Tic Tac run along the wall the bridge would be too far away to reach with a normal jump.
- From there head out the window and climb up the yellow ledges > monkey bar > perch > turn around and climb up the scaffold.
- Then go back into the middle of the tower.
- Here you must use “Wall Run” & “Wall Run Jump” skills to reach the open window above the one from where you entered. Simply hold
while running against the wall and then press
again to grab the ledge to the window above.
- From there you can jump on the yellow rings in the center of the tower > shimmy left > turn around > jump to the open window with the yellow tarp.
- Then jump to the monkey bar and the yellow crate that’s hanging in the air. While on the crate, turn around to see yellow ledges behind you. When the crate swings close to them you must jump to those ledges and climb up.
- This leads back inside the tower, climb the yellow ledges on the left, jump to the bridge to the left and head outside the window to wooden balcony.
- Jump onto the wooden railing on this balcony. From there you can jump up to the ledge/roof above. You have to stand on top of the railing of the wooden balcony or else you can’t grab the ledge above! Now you will have reached the very top of the tower and just need to interact with the valve that restores the tower.
That’s all of the Facilities in Dying Light 2 Stay Human (DL2). After finding and assigning all of them you will earn the Municipal Services trophy or achievement.
For all other Collectibles, check out the Dying Light 2 – 100% Completion Wiki & Strategy Guide.
BattleExile says
The game seems to have automatically assigned me two levels in my faction without having to assign the relevent structions. I just got the trophy but ive still got two areas still to asign. Very weird
Ali says
Hi, i did all of the step and I didn’t get the trophy, any help?
Shahin says
me too
Dom says
You need to do all of the facilities
OP says
This is bugged for me. Assigned all facilities and no trophy. TWICE, I went back to an different save where i had assigned 6. No luck… I like this game but man does this game is a bugfest.
Richard Dennis says
Same here man. Did two play through sand still no trophy…