Pervading Waters is the 10th main story mission in Nioh 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all areas of the Pervading Waters Main Quest.
Pervading Waters is unlocked when you complete Bird in a Cage.
Recommended Level: 54
Region: Dawn
Requirement: Complete Bird in a Cage
Reward: Ravenwing Rifle, Yatagarasu Cuirass, Yatagarasu Headband, Yatagarasu Waistguard, 16600 Gold, 11912 Amrita
Shrine 1
From the first shrine heading left is to a shortcut door, so go to the right. Around the corner, you will find two enemies, one walking and one standing still. These are a new kind of human enemy, and they will shoot you from a distance or even up close with a pair of pistols that they can pull out during combat. When you move towards the second enemy watch out to the right, as there is another one hiding there in the corner. Next go into the building on the right and there will be one more enemy. Open the door in there for a small shortcut past the first three enemies if you need to come back through here.
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Go across the bridge to the next area and you should see 3 obvious enemies in the open. Once crouching by a body, one walking near him, and one more up on the walkway across the rooftops. Take them out one at a time, then you can go over into the left building for an item. If you look just to the right of the building on the right of the bridge there are some boxes you can break through, then go into the building on the left to kill one enemy and grab another item.
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In this building, you can open a locked door to get out front, then kill the enemy walking between the buildings. If you turn around outside and look on the rooftop of the building you just came out of there will be one enemy there shooting down towards you. Enter the next building to find one more enemy behind the boxes. Open the chest in the corner, then climb up the ladder. Up there you’ll find one cannon enemy looking away from you that you can kill, then two off the side of the building you can drop attack onto. There is also a nearby NPC Benecolent Grave you can use if you wish.
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Go back into the building with the ladder and continue through it. In the first room there will be another enemy standing just beside the door, then when you continue outside there will be a stronger human enemy on the right. For a slightly cheesier method of dealing with them, go back up onto the roof and drop into the building off to the side with the item in it. Shoot the archer from inside that’s over by the tree, then you can either shoot the strong human enemy from behind or backstab them for some easy damage before the actually become aware of you. Once they’re dead, head over through the nearby gate to go to Shrine 2.
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Shrine 2
From Shrine 2 you are meant to either go into the large building with the Darkness Realm, but instead you should first go all the way to the left and go down the flooded path leading back beside where you just came from. Just past the edge of the broken building on the left watch for something sticking out of the water, because it is a Nure-Onna hiding there. Kill it, then go into the building at the end to find Kodama #1.
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Head back over to Shrine 2 and go to the right side of it where you should see a wooden path. Above on the right is an enemy on the walkway you should shoot, then go forward and kill the One-Eyed Imp walking beside the building. There is a ladder here that you can drop down later, but just behind the boxes under the walkway there is a Scampuss to grab. Head back over to the other side of the wall by the shrine and go in the front of the building to the Darkness Realm.
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First thing you should do inside is shoot the Skeleton Archer that is directly in front on the raised platform, then do the same with the Gaki on the floor to the left. When they are dealt with, shoot the Mitsume Yazura to bait it down to the lower floor where you are. Once it’s dead, go into the hallway just to the right to kill a Nure-Onna and one more Skeleton Archer. Now if you look in the middle of this area you should see the large lamp. This lamp is what is controlling this Darkness Realm, like the crystal you destroyed in Corpses and Ice. Once you damage it once or go near it it will constantly spawn lightning element Oni-bis about 10 times before it stops. To get to it, go through the hallway you killed the Skeleton Archer in and go around to the back. You will go up one flight of stairs, then a second onto the platform it is on. Be aware when coming up here there is another One-Eyed Imp that you should kill first before going up to attack the lantern. When it’s destroyed you can open the locked chest directly behind where it was to find Ninja’s Locks.
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You can now head up to the top floor of the building using the nearby stairs. Before going back inside continue around the balcony and break the boxes to find Kodama #2.
Head inside and there will be a Gaki standing on the left, and a Tesso wandering back and forth between the rooms. Kill them both, then go into the next room and kill the Skeleton Warrior. In this room first go across the small bridge to the right side door to get to the ladder you can kick down, then go through the other door to progress.
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Go across the path, then when you reach the next rooftop you want to go to the area below instead of across to the larger building. There will be one Nure-Onna down there, along with a couple of Gaki around the corner. Kill them all, then go around the buildings to the corner by the fence to find Kodama #3.
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Climb the ladder back up to the rooftop and go across to the next building. Inside you will see a new type of Yokai, called an Ubume. These Yokai start out just holding a large stone and shrieking at you, but after you attack them a bit and deplete their ki bar they’ll drop the stone and get very angry. They then start to fly around and swipe at you, while normally shrieking at the end of swipe combos. If they start the Burst Attack animation they will jump towards you to try and grab you. Once it’s defeated you can open the door, and move out onto the balcony. Go around the balcony to a wooden bridge, and drop off the side of it. By the corner of this building you will find Kodama #4.
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After grabbing the Kodama, go around to the right and open the door going back to Shrine 1, which you should rest at so you respawn there if you die in the next area. Then you can go over to the underside of the building where you just came down from and help the NPC, Shibata Katsuie, out with the large Yokai there. You can then speak to him, and if you have previously completed the side mission “The Shiftling’s Wise Judgement” siding with him he will then come along with you (you need to do this and have him come with you in this mission to unlock another side mission later). If you haven’t done this he won’t come with you and you have to progress on your own. From there go back over to the path leading down from directly opposite the shortcut door.
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As soon as you come to the exit of the first building there will be two enemies that start shooting at you. Deal with them, then loop around the stack of boats, breaking the boxes in the corner to find Kodama #5.
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After grabbing that Kodama head up the nearby stairs and kill the other human enemy. At the top of the stairs you can go in the small hut to open a shortcut door letting you go around the boat area if you come back. Your main path will be towards a bridge, but don’t go that way yet. Instead, go down the stairs to the left following the path towards the Tesso. There is a house on the left with a Gaki and a chest inside, then another Gaki on the roof, then the lower area with a poison blob roaming around. If you go over to the island on the right with the single tree you can find Kodama #6. Down in this lower area if you also head over past where the guard toward is you can find a Sudama inside a building. When done there go back over to the bridge, but don’t walk onto it yet.
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On this bridge there will be one strong human enemy in the middle, then if you look out towards the stone walls on either side you should see an enemy on each wall. Shoot those two enemies first before going onto the bridge, then you won’t have them shooting at you while you fight the guy in the middle. When he is defeated go through the gate at the end of the bridge to enter a courtyard where Shrine 3 is.
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Shrine 3
From the Shrine yo can only head up to the right through the door. Directly in front of you is a Darkness Realm, with a Koroka in lamp form sitting just inside. Off to the right, you can see a new Yokai walking around, an Onyuda. These Yokai attack primarily by punching or grabbing you, or by swinging their tongue around when you get behind or beside them. If you see them do the Burst Attack animation they will charge towards you doing a long punching combo. Once you kill the two Yokai there, head over into the building on the right to grab a chest. If you then look to the next area over, you should see another of the Oni-bi spawning lanterns, then another Koroka lantern on the left just inside the Darkness Realm. Get rid of both of those, but don’t go up into the main building in the Darkness Realm yet.
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To the right of here, you should see a One-Eyed Imp walking around, then over in the corner a Skeleton Warrior by the NPC Benevolent Grave. Looking to the left of there, you should see a Tesso wandering around, along with a second Oni-bi lantern. With all those dealt with you can now go into the Darkness Realm and fight the Ubume inside the building. This one starts out already alerted and not holding the stone, so just be aware it will immediately start directly attacking you instead of being defensive. When you trigger it, two Gaki will also drop down from the roof at the same time.
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After it is killed you can open the one door in this building for a small shortcut, then open the chest in the corner to find Onmyo Mage’s Locks. Then head through the door towards the large building. Before the building, go to the right towards the small shrine to find Kodama #7 sitting beside it.
Inside this building, any of the walls that look beige with vague mountain shapes on the bottom are made of paper and can be cut through. Go through the first one the go directly ahead to the wall, shooting the Skeleton Warrior on the right. Deal with the Nurikabe wall to find the Hot Spring for this level behind it.
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Go back into the prior room and look through the window in the wall. You should see a Biwa Boku-boku across on the far side. For an easier time in here, shoot it through this window to kill it. This stops it force spawning the Revenant that is in this room. After that you will have one Skeleton Warrior on the immediate left, then the Tesso and One Eyed-Imp wandering around in the middle of the courtyard to kill. There will be another Skeleton Warrior in the room to the right where there is also a small chest, then finally a Gaki lying down on the ground by the stairs on the other side of the room. Once all the enemies have been dealt with, go over in the corner of the courtyard by the lantern to find Kodama #8.
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Head up the stairs and go around to the front of the building. On the left you should see one human enemy walking up and down the stairs. Kill them, then go open the door at the bottom to get back to Shrine 3. From here you actually need to go into the large building to fight a mid-boss for this mission.
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Saika Magoichi Boss Fight
Saika is a boss that already appeared in the first Nioh game, but this time you don’t need to fight him in a burning room. Instead, you have a very spacious room with lots of pillars to take advantage of. What makes this human boss special is that he can fly like a bird. You don’t want to deal with him while he’s flying. As soon as he starts flying, stand behind a pillar and wait until he shoots 3 times. The pillars will block all his shots. When he has done that he will drop back down to the ground, giving you a few seconds to attack (high-stance recommended for maximum damage).
Never go out in the open, the boss constantly shoots around the place and he has some powerful combos and a burning melee attack that can one-hit you. Instead, camp behind the pillars. Wait until he gets close to you. If he shoots, let him – the pillar blocks the shots. When he is close to the other side of the pillar you strike while he’s on the move! He usually won’t block while running towards you. Essentially you’ll want to hit him around the pillar. Land as many hits as your Ki bar can afford, then retreat behind another pillar and repeat.
One move you need to be wary of is when he summons some fireballs. These home in on you even if you are behind a pillar. When he uses this, run towards the fireballs at a 45° angle. Make sure you run from where you are to the other side of the arena. Because you run in an angle the fireballs will all miss you. Once the fireballs are gone it’s camping behind a pillar again until Saika gets close.
He also likes to throw bombs sometimes. These do splash damage, but you can block them with while you camp behind the pillars.
Path Between Saika and the true Mission Boss
After defeating Saika Magoichi, speak to him twice and you will receive Founder’s Hall Gate Key. You can use this key to open the gate to the left of Shrine 3, that the two NPCs are standing near. Go through the door and start heading down the path. Right away there will be two lanterns, with the left one being a Koroka. There is also a Gaki just ahead by a body. Go over the path beside the destroyed building, then immediately turn right and look in the corner to find Kodama #9, the final one for this mission.
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Head forward down the path now. You can first go down to the left if you want to grab an item, or drop off into the large open area to get to the final boss for this mission.
Gyuki Boss Fight
Gyuki is the biggest monster you have faced so far. However, for one of its size it doesn’t have that much health. It’s very slow. All you must do is walk to the side of its belly, then land High-Stance hits. Whenever you see it jumping in the air, block right away! That’s all you do all fight long. Never stay in front of it! As long as you stick to the side of its belly it cannot attack you other than by jumping (which is really easy to see and block). Even if your Ki is very low it will still block the full damage amount! So essentially you just need to learn how to block this one move and stay on its side, then it’s an easy fight.
This finishes Pervading Waters main mission in Nioh 2. Now the mission The Frenzied Blaze becomes available.
For all other Mission Walkthroughs, check out our complete Nioh 2 Walkthrough.
Dix3n says
I cant seem to get Shibata to join me for this mission, whenever i speak to him he says “i am grateful to you, but you are no ally.” i did complete The Shiftlings Wise Judgment side mission.
You wrote that you need him to come with you in order to unlock a side mission later, which i dont want to miss.
Greg says
Before the 7th Kodam and just after you have dealt with the Ubume and opened the short cut, theres a tree on the left you can walk up which leads to a Sudama and chest.